[00:39.01]它可以有效的减少你的伤亡人数 They’d greatly reduce your casualties...
[00:41.75]还可以给你在战场上的优势 ...and give you a significant strategic advantage.
[00:46.15]你知道他们叫我战争之王 You know, they call me the Lord Of War.
[00:49.65]我想你才是 But perhaps it is you.
[00:52.01]不是战争之王,应该叫军阀 It’s not "Lord Of War," it’s "Warlord."
[00:56.91]谢谢,但是我喜欢这么说 Thank you, but I prefer it my way.
[01:02.98]钻石在西非是最常用的货币 Conflict diamonds are a common currency in West Africa,
[01:06.38]也叫做血之钻石 also referred to as "blood diamonds"
[01:08.48]因为这些钻石往往都被用于资助流血战争 since bloodshed is what they generally finance.
[01:12.61]在20世纪末期 By the late ’90s, my wealth had caught up
[01:14.48]我的财富已经和我说谎时讲的差不多了 to my lies about my welth.
[01:16.38]也许比我说谎时讲的还要多 Even surpassed my lies.
[01:18.58]我甚至有财力去收藏艺术品 I could even afford to become a patron of the arts.
[01:30.21]哇,真不敢相信 It’s just that I can’t believe it.
[01:32.65]这当然很棒 Well, of... of course, it’s wonderful.
[01:34.65]我只是... I just...
[01:35.68]只是没想到这么快发生 I didn’t expect it to happen so soon.
[01:39.48]是...那...也很好 Yes. Well, that wou-that would be great, too yeah.
[01:45.41]太好了,真谢谢你 It’s wonderful. Thank you so much.
[01:47.78]是...尤里...好...谢谢...再见 It’s... Yuri. Okay, thank you. Bye.
[01:51.05]刚电话里是那个艺术商 Yuri, that was the dealer4 on the phone.