


时间:2016-05-20 12:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:11.16]Hi, its me. Leave a message after the beep. 请留下口讯 [03:13.76]If you want to leave a fax, 若想传真过来 [03:15.28]buy me a fax machine. 先买一具传真机给我吧 [03:16.92](Beeps) Ike, Fisher. Get up. 艾基?我是
  •   [03:11.16]Hi, it’s me. Leave a message after the beep. 请留下口讯
      [03:13.76]If you want to leave a fax,  若想传真过来
      [03:15.28]buy me a fax machine. 先买一具传真机给我吧
      [03:16.92](Beeps) Ike, Fisher. Get up. 艾基?我是菲莎啊
      [03:18.72]I can turn this Runaway7 Bride story around. 我可把逃跑新娘的报导逆转乾坤
      [03:23.80]I’m doing a photo spread for G.Q. today by the convey or belt. 我正在运用报馆的传递带印照片
      [03:28.68]Meet me. I’ll save your tush. 我要挽救你的事业,请来见我
      [03:30.40]And since I do freelance stuff for G.Q. now, I have an idea. 我帮绅士哥利打散工
      [03:33.96]- What are you saying?  可以想出妙计扭转乾坤
      [03:36.44]- Vindication8. 证明你无辜
      [03:36.84]How would you like some? 想吗?
      [03:38.64]A chance to prove that although your story wasn’t entirely9 factual, 证明你的报导虽然并非全部属实
      [03:42.72]your theory was correct. 但你的理论却是正确的
      [03:45.48]- The real story on Miss Carpenter.  卡小姐的真人真事
      [03:46.68]- All the gory10 details. 全部细节都是骇人听闻的
      [03:50.44]And if she runs again,  她如果再逃跑的话
      [03:51.12]you got a cover story. 你的报导就可以刊登在封面了!
      [03:54.24]∮ Oh, here she comes ∮
      [03:58.92]∮ Watch out, boy she’ll chew you up ∮
      [03:59.52]∮ Oh, here she comes ∮
      [04:03.52]∮ She’s a man-eater ∮
      [04:06.16]∮ Oh, here she comes ∮
      [04:09.16]∮ Watch out, boy she’ll chew you up ∮
      [04:10.56]∮ Oh, here she comes ∮
      [04:13.64]∮ She’s a man-eater ∮
      [04:16.24]∮ She’ll only come out at night ∮
      [04:17.80]∮ The lean and hungry type ∮ ∮ Nothing is new I’ve seen her here before ∮ “欢迎光临马里兰的小镇”

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