


时间:2016-09-18 12:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:14.08]My shoes. l`m sorry. 我的鞋。 抱歉。 [01:21.28](car driving away) (汽车开走了) [01:30.48](Holly) How was the `80s flashback? (郝莉) 80年代的回放怎么样? [01:34.24]His stupid car is louder than a jumbo jet. 他的
  •   [01:14.08]My shoes. l`m sorry. 我的鞋。 抱歉。
      [01:21.28](car driving away) (汽车开走了)
      [01:30.48](Holly) How was the `80s flashback? (郝莉) 80年代的回放怎么样?
      [01:34.24]His stupid car is louder than a jumbo jet. 他的那部傻车比一部巨大的喷气式飞机还响。
      [01:34.36]You scared me! 你吓着我了!
      [01:37.56]He probably woke up the whole entire neighborhood. 他可能把整条街区的人都吵醒了。
      [01:40.72]Holly, for me, would you give Lenny a chance? 郝莉, 为了我,你能不能给莱尼一个机会?
      [01:42.00]Mom, for me, would you go slow this time? 妈妈,为了我,你这次能不能别那么快行动?
      [01:46.20]You don`t know who else is out there. 你不知道还有其他人。
      [01:47.16]No, but here`s what l do know: 不,不过我所知道的是:
      [01:50.96]Tonight l had a pretty good time. 今晚,我过的很愉快。
      [01:56.36](Mr. Orbach) ``Oh what a tangled5 web we weave (奥巴奇先生) ``当第一次我们尝试去欺骗时,
      [01:58.04]``When first we practice to deceive!`` ``我们编织了一个多么混乱的网!``
      [02:03.12]Who wants to talk about what that means? 谁能够说说它的意思?
      [02:07.76]He needs to write her a letter. Who? 他应该写封信给她。 谁?
      [02:09.36](Mr. Orbach) Adam, care to elucidate6? (奥巴奇先生) 亚当,请说明一下?
      [02:10.96]The perfect man. 完美男人。
      [02:14.04]Yeah, you. 对,就是你。
      [02:15.32]What do you think Sir Walter Scott was talking about? 你认为沃儿特·斯克特爵士在阐述什么意思?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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