


时间:2016-09-09 12:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:43.20]He was a customer. 他是一个顾客。 [00:44.76]Dolores coached me through the whole thing. 格劳丽雅指导我渡过了一切的难关。 [00:46.64]When to give him an extra doughnut, when to hold back. 教我送他一个油炸
  •   [00:43.20]He was a customer. 他是一个顾客。
      [00:44.76]Dolores coached me through the whole thing. 格劳丽雅指导我渡过了一切的难关。
      [00:46.64]When to give him an extra doughnut, when to hold back. 教我送他一个油炸圈饼,教我隐瞒。
      [00:47.84]You never told me that. (Dolores) l told you. 你从未向我提起。 (格劳丽雅) 我告诉过你。
      [00:50.04]You just didn`t want to listen. 你就是不想听。
      [00:54.24](Jean) So l`ve had a few bad relationships. (简) 所以我才会那一些不成功的恋爱。
      [00:55.60](Dolores) Honey, if ex-boyfriends were dollars... (格劳丽雅) 亲爱的,如果前男友是钱的话...
      [00:57.88]you`d be loaded by now. 你现在已经发财了。
      [00:59.16]Mom, what you gotta do is sign my enrollment2 form. 妈妈,你现在应该做的是在我的注册表格上签字。
      [01:01.36]4:00 already? 已经4点了?
      [01:04.12]Girls, this is my daughter, Holly3. 女士们,这是我的女儿,郝莉
      [01:06.12]Look at you! All grown up. 瞧瞧你! 都长大成人了。
      [01:06.92]Hi. l`m going to get my purse. 嗨,我去拿我的钱包。
      [01:08.24]Got your little speed bumps4 and everything. 都发育成熟了。
      [01:12.80]Welcome to Brooklyn, Holly. 欢迎来到布鲁克林,郝莉。
      [01:14.00](Jean) See you girls tomorrow. (简) 大家明天见。
      [01:16.60]Don`t embarrass her. (Dolores) l`ve known her for so long. 别令她难堪。 (陶勒丽斯) 我认识她已经好多年了。
      [01:17.48]So, tell me. How was it? 告诉我,学校怎么样?
      [01:20.08]lt was good. (Jean) Tell me more. 很好。 (简) 再跟我说说。
      [01:20.92]Excuse me, real quick, l was just, l was over here. 对不起,真的很快,我刚刚在那里,

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