


时间:2016-09-18 12:21来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:52.80](Jean) lt`s from Ben. (简) 本的来信。 [01:54.24]``l planned this restaurant before l`d ever laid eyes on you. ``我在与你对上眼前就计划开这样一家餐馆。 [01:55.44]``lf l had to do it over... ``如果我一定要
  •   [01:52.80](Jean) lt`s from Ben. (简) 本的来信。
      [01:54.24]``l planned this restaurant before l`d ever laid eyes on you. ``我在与你对上眼前就计划开这样一家餐馆。
      [01:55.44]``lf l had to do it over... ``如果我一定要完成这个计划...
      [01:58.56]``l`d buy the building right next to yours and open there.`` ``我将会在你家门口买一栋楼,并在那里开张。``
      [02:04.48]He`d rather be with me. 他宁愿和我在一起。
      [02:08.16]Why don`t you write him back? 为什么你不给他回信?
      [02:12.04]Good. 好注意。
      [02:14.12]Excuse me. 对不起。
      [02:20.12]if your food’s half as good as your letters... 如果你的食物有你的信的一半好...
      [02:21.20](Jean) Dear Brooklyn Boy... (简) 亲爱的布鲁克林男孩...
      [02:22.40]nothing would make me happier than having your restaurant on my block. 那么你的餐馆开在我们街区内会另我非常高兴。
      [02:26.88]But I’d hate to deprive the nation of China... 但是我不希望剥夺中国人...
      [02:29.56]of that kind of satisfaction. So open your restaurant there first. 享受这种食物的满足的权利。 所以先在那里开一家吧。
      [02:33.72](Ben’s voice) Dear Passionate Baker... (本的声音) 亲爱的激情面包师...
      [02:37.52]as long as I’m in the kitchen cooking... 只要我能在厨房里烧菜...
      [02:37.72]it doesn’t matter where I am. 身在何处没什么关系。
      [02:44.96](Jean) It’s a real specific kind of satisfaction, isn’t it... (简) I那真是一种特别的满足感,不是吗...
      [02:45.12]cooking for people? 为人们做菜?
      [02:47.16]I’m only a baker, but I put as much creativity and passion... 虽然我只是一个面包师, 但是我将我的创造力和激情赋予我的...
      [02:51.64]into my cakes as a painter puts on a canvas. 蛋糕中,就象画家将它们赋予画布中一样。
      [02:55.00]Granted, when all’s said and done, all I’ve made is a cake. 同意,当一切都说了做了时,我所做的只不过是一只蛋糕。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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