


时间:2016-09-18 12:20来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:57.48]`cause she usually spends most of her time depressed2 or with idiots. 因为她总是把大多数的时间浪费在沮丧或是和笨蛋在一起。 [00:58.28]lt`s such a change... 这是一个巨大的改变... [01:03.44]My mom o
  •   [00:57.48]`cause she usually spends most of her time depressed2 or with idiots. 因为她总是把大多数的时间浪费在沮丧或是和笨蛋在一起。
      [00:58.28]lt`s such a change... 这是一个巨大的改变...
      [01:03.44]My mom only smiles once a month when the alimony check comes. 我妈妈每月只有当赡养费接收的时候才会有笑容。
      [01:03.68]Maybe l should try it. 也许我试试。
      [01:06.84](chuckles) (吃吃的笑)
      [01:10.92](clicking) (滴答声)
      [01:12.32](Holly on recorder) And if she’s been dumped a lot? Then what? (郝莉的声音) 如果她经常被甩?会怎么样?
      [01:14.68](Ben on recorder) A lot? (本的声音) 经常?
      [01:16.00]That’s a tough one. 是个坚强的家伙。
      [01:19.76]I guess the perfect guy would be.... 我猜完美男人会....
      [01:20.48]He could be anywhere in the world... 他可能在世界的任何角落...
      [01:22.64]but he chooses to be with her because... 但他选择和她在一起是因为...
      [01:25.24]life is better with her by his side. 在他这边会使她的生活更好。
      [01:29.92](clicking) (滴答声)
      [01:37.28](Holly) Dear Passionate3 Baker4... (郝莉) 亲爱的激情面包师...
      [01:40.84]I’m spending my days with very serious business people... 我每天都和非常严肃的生意人打交道...
      [01:43.32]and I know I should be listening to every word they say... 并且我知道必须听清楚他们说的每一个字...
      [01:46.44](Ben’s voice) but all I keep thinking is... (本的声音) 不过我一直在想的是...
      [01:46.72]what am I doing all the way in China? 我究竟在中国干什么?
      [01:48.32]Unbelievable. Listen to this. Come on. Let`s go. 难以置信。过来。听这个。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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