


时间:2016-09-09 12:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:19.28]Can you scan5 this into Match.com? 你能把这个扫描到Match.com网站上去吗? [02:22.40]Mom, l`m busy. 妈妈,我现在在忙。 [02:23.48]Doing what? 在忙什么? [02:25.24]Do you have to do this right away? 你现在必须
  •   [02:19.28]Can you scan5 this into Match.com? 你能把这个扫描到Match.com网站上去吗?
      [02:22.40]Mom, l`m busy. 妈妈,我现在在忙。
      [02:23.48]Doing what? 在忙什么?
      [02:25.24]Do you have to do this right away? 你现在必须马上就做吗?
      [02:26.96]Can`t you just wait this time... 这次你就不能等一等...
      [02:30.52]and see if you meet a guy the normal way? 看看是否能够通过正常途径认识一个男人?
      [02:34.52]Have you seen these lines? 你看到这些皱纹了吗?
      [02:35.60]l am in a race against time. 我在和时间赛跑。
      [02:38.60]Now get on in there and scan this thing. 现在快去帮我扫描照片。
      [02:39.36]Every second counts. Tick-tock, tick-tock. 以秒记数。 滴嗒,滴嗒。
      [02:45.76]lf a student brings a cell phone to school, it will be confiscated6... 如果学生把手机带入学校,将会被充公,...
      [02:48.64]Excuse me. l don`t even know why we`re here. 对不起.。 我甚至不知道我们为什么会在这里。
      [02:49.72]regardless of how.... 不管....
      [02:52.28]lt`s not like they`re going to be my teachers four months from now. 好象他们四个月后不是我的老师似的。
      [02:54.76]That`s negative imaging, Holly. 那是消极的想法,郝莉。
      [02:57.28]Only winter hats will be permitted between the months of November... 只有御寒帽可以在案11月到2月间...
      [02:57.36](Campbell) ...are not permitted in the school building. (坎贝儿) ...不许进入教学大楼。
      [03:01.56]and February and kept in your lockers7. 带到学校来,并且要锁在箱子里。
      [03:10.28]Dr. Charles Fitch. (boy #1) All right, Fitchy! 查儿斯·费奇教授。 (男孩A) 对,费奇!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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