


时间:2016-09-09 12:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:22.60]You know what? 你知道吗? [03:25.88]This is for you. Why? 这是给你的。 为什么? [03:29.96]Because a flower like this is perfect. 因为象这样一朵花是完美的。 [03:31.76]And giving a woman a dozen of them,
  •   [03:22.60]You know what? 你知道吗?
      [03:25.88]This is for you. Why? 这是给你的。 为什么?
      [03:29.96]Because a flower like this is perfect. 因为象这样一朵花是完美的。
      [03:31.76]And giving a woman a dozen of them, it`s like saying... 送给一位女士一打, 就好象在说...
      [03:33.44]there is such a thing as perfect. 她是如此的完美。
      [03:35.56]And it`s out there. 并且她并不属于那里。
      [03:37.40]Don`t give up. You`ll find it. 别放弃,你会找到的。
      [03:41.24]Really? 真的?
      [03:42.48]Actually a yellow rose is for your sick grandma. 实际上一朵黄玫瑰只适合你生病的祖母。
      [03:42.92]A yellow rose says all of that? 一朵黄玫瑰能告诉我们那些?
      [03:45.40](chuckles) For a woman, a red rose. (吃吃的笑声) 红色玫瑰适合女士。
      [03:46.76]But if you really want to knock her socks off, you give her an orchid7. 不过你如果真的想征服她,你给她一枝兰花的。
      [03:51.04]Why? What do orchids8 say? 为什么?兰花代表什么?
      [03:54.92]You ever seen an orchid? 你见过兰花吗?
      [03:57.60]How it floats in the water, so delicate and beautiful? 当它漂浮在水面上会怎么样?多么精致,多么美丽。
      [04:01.56]When a woman gets an orchid... 当一位女士得到一枝兰花...
      [04:03.48]well, she feels like... 她会感到好象...
      [04:06.76]she`s floating on a cloud of infinite9 possibility. 她正漂浮在云端。
      [04:15.80](people chattering) (人们的说话声)
      [04:19.40]l swear l`ll pay you back. 我发誓会还钱给你的。
      [04:19.80]l still don`t get how flowers from you will fix things. 我还是不明白你送出的花能起什么作用。
      [04:23.12]And they`re not from me. They`re from her perfect man. 不是我送的,是一个完美男人送的。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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