


时间:2017-07-26 12:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:49.26]Musicians: Ho! [02:13.34]Coffee, sir? 先生要咖啡吗? [02:23.54]I had hoped you would come to me last night. 你昨晚没来找我 [02:26.18]I was tired. 我好累 [02:30.06]Your exertions 4 below decks were no doubt exhausti
  • [01:49.26]Musicians: Ho!
    [02:13.34]Coffee, sir? 先生要咖啡吗?
    [02:23.54]I had hoped you would come to me last night. 你昨晚没来找我
    [02:26.18]I was tired. 我好累
    [02:30.06]Your exertions4 below decks were no doubt exhausting. 到下舱去当然很累人
    [02:35.42]I see you had that undertaker of a manservant follow me. How typical. 原来你叫那奴才跟踪我
    [02:40.06]You will never be have like that again, Rose. Do you understand? 以后不可以这样
    [02:46.78]I'm not a foreman in one of your mills thatyou can command. 我不是你工厂里那些任你使唤的工头
    [02:49.10]I'm your fiancee. 我是你的未婚妻
    [02:53.62]My fiancee? My fiancee?!! 我的未婚妻!
    [02:55.94]Yes, you are, and mywife! 没错,而且是我太太
    [03:00.10]Mywife in practice if notyet by law, so you will honor me. 我们已有夫妻之实
    [03:03.54]You will honor me the way a wife is required to honor a husband. 像妻子忠于丈夫那样
    [03:07.22]Because I will not be made out a fool, Rose. 别人休想耍我
    [03:09.54]Is this in anyway unclear? 这样会不会不够清楚?
    [03:11.50]- No. - Good. 不会
    [03:15.86]Excuse me. 好,失陪
    [03:22.30]Miss Rose!
    [03:23.74]- We had a little... accident. - That's all right, Miss Rose. 萝丝小姐…
    [03:27.38]- That's all right. - I'm sorry, Trudy. 没关系
    [03:29.18]Let me help you. It's all right, miss. 我来帮你

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