


时间:2017-07-19 12:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:33.82]Do you love him? 你爱不爱他? [01:35.34]你爱不爱他? [01:37.38]- Pardon me? - Do you love him? 什么? [01:40.30]Youre being very rude. You shouldnt be asking me this. 你真没礼貌,怎么可以这样问题我?
  • [01:33.82]Do you love him? 你爱不爱他?
    [01:37.38]- Pardon me? - Do you love him? 什么?
    [01:40.30]You're being very rude. You shouldn't be asking me this. 你真没礼貌,怎么可以这样问题我?
    [01:43.46]Well, it's a simple question. Do you love the guy or not? 这问题很简单,你爱不爱他嘛?
    [01:48.14]- Why can't you just answer the question? - (Nervous Laughter) 就回答我的问题啊
    [01:48.42]This is not a suitable conversation. 我们不应该谈论此事
    [01:52.02]This is absurd. You don't know me, and I don't know you 这太荒唐了!你我根本不认识
    [01:56.22]and we are not having this conversation at all. 我们没什么好谈的了
    [01:57.70]You are rude and uncouth7 and presumptuous8 and I am leaving now. 你非常无礼而且自以为是
    [02:03.10]Jack. Mr. Dawson, it's been a pleasure. 真是幸会
    [02:07.46]I sought you out to thank you and now I have thanked you... 我找你出来是要向你道谢的
    [02:08.70]- And you've insulted me. - Well, you deserved it. 而你却把我辱骂了一顿
    [02:13.02]- Right. - Right. 好吧
    [02:15.70]- I thought you were leaving. - I am. 你不是要走了吗?
    [02:20.70]You are so annoying. 你好烦!
    [02:23.06]- (Chuckles) - Wait. 等一下
    [02:23.70]I don't have to leave. This is my part ofthe ship. You leave. 凭什么我得走?这是我的地盘

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      泰坦尼克号      

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