


时间:2017-07-26 12:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:28.34]Oh-ho-ho, well, well, well. 要走你走 [02:29.74]现在是谁无礼啊? [02:31.82]Now whos being rude? [02:35.18]What is this stupid thing youre carrying around? 你拿的那是什么玩意儿? [02:39.30]So what are you, an
  • [02:28.34]Oh-ho-ho, well, well, well. 要走你走
    [02:31.82]Now who's being rude?
    [02:35.18]What is this stupid thing you're carrying around? 你拿的那是什么玩意儿?
    [02:39.30]So what are you, an artist or something? 你是干嘛的?画家吗?
    [02:43.30]Well, these are rather good. 画得还不错嘛
    [02:50.34]They're, uh-- They're very good actually. 画得…还真好
    [03:00.62]Jack, this is exquisite9 work. 这可是很细致的作品
    [03:02.34]They didn't think too much of them in old Paree. 巴黎的人不怎么喜欢
    [03:05.02]Paris! You do get around for a poor-- 巴黎?
    [03:13.10]Well, uh, uh, a person of limited means. 虽然你…你钱财有限
    [03:15.90]Go on, a poor guy, you can say it. 就说我很穷,没关系的

    [03:21.38]Well, well, well.
    [03:26.82]And these were drawn10 from life? 这是真人写生吗?
    [03:31.22]Well, that's one of the good things about Paris-- 这是巴黎的好处之一
    [03:34.54]Lots of girls willing to take their clothes off. 女孩子们不怎么在乎裸体
    [03:42.62]You liked this woman. 你一定很喜欢这女人
    [03:44.82]You used her several times. 好几幅都是在画她
    [03:47.14]Well, she had beautiful hands, you see? 她的手很美,你看
    [03:53.34]I think you must have had a love affair with her. 我想你爱她
    [03:55.14]No, no, no, no, no. Just with her hands. 不..只是爱她的手
    [03:58.42]She was a one-legged prostitute. 她是个妓女,只有一条腿

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      泰坦尼克号      

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