


时间:2017-07-26 12:06来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:23.74]- (Laughs) - Shall we go to dress, Mother? 妈,我们去换衣服吧 [03:30.10]See you at dinner, Jack. 一会儿见了,杰克 [03:31.82]孩子! [03:32.94]Uh, son? Son! 孩子 [03:35.86]Doyou have the slightest comprehension
  • [03:23.74]- (Laughs) - Shall we go to dress, Mother? 妈,我们去换衣服吧
    [03:30.10]See you at dinner, Jack. 一会儿见了,杰克
    [03:32.94]Uh, son? Son! 孩子
    [03:35.86]Doyou have the slightest comprehension what you're doing? 你知道等会儿要干嘛吗?
    [03:39.34]Not really. 不是很清楚
    [03:41.02]Well, you're about to go into the snake pit. 你这是羊入虎口
    [03:44.58]What are you planning to wear? 你要穿什么?
    [03:49.30]I figured. Come on. 我就知道,来吧
    [03:54.46]I was right. 果然没错
    [03:56.14]You and my son are just about the same size. 你跟我儿子身材差不多
    [03:56.98]Pretty close. 相当接近
    [04:01.10]- (Whistles) - You shine up like a new penny. 看你人模人样的
    [04:17.94]Good evening, sir. 先生晚安
    [04:25.50](Orchestra Playing "On The BeautifuI Blue Danube")
    [00:07.18]Good evening. 晚安
    [00:13.02]Man: Hello.
    [00:17.58]Cal: Do you know that there are several thousand tons 这船用了很多我们家的钢铁
    [00:21.30]of Hockley steel in this very ship? 用在什么地方?
    [00:23.38]- Ruth: Hmm. Which part? - Cal: All the right ones, of course. 都是好地方
    [00:24.62]Then we'll know who to hold account able if there's a problem. 如果有问题你得负责
    [00:27.06]- Where's my daughter? - Oh, she'll be along. 萝丝呢?
    [00:28.74]- There is the countess. - Hello, my dear. 女伯爵在那里
    [00:32.62]- Good evening, Cal. - Cal: So good to see you. 晚安
    [01:00.30]I saw that in a nickelode on once and I always wanted to do it. 我在电影上看过

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