


时间:2017-09-04 12:21来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:38.96]Wow, look. The bark is healing. 你看,树干愈合了 [00:41.44]Youre gonna get there. 你也会的 [00:44.40]I never hung out with you in the afternoon like this. 我没跟你在下午约会过 [00:46.72]In this lighting 1 , ma
  • [00:38.96]Wow, look. The bark is healing. 你看,树干愈合了
    [00:41.44]You're gonna get there. 你也会的
    [00:44.40]I never hung out with you in the afternoon like this. 我没跟你在下午约会过
    [00:46.72]In this lighting1, man, oh, man, you look... 在这种光线下,老天,你看来...
    [00:48.96]...disgusting. 真丑
    [00:53.48]Yeah. 没错
    [00:54.84]I don't know how you get me to fall for that egg-shaped head every morning. 真不知道你是用什么办法 让我每天都爱上你的咸蛋头
    [00:59.84]All I have to do is slide on my designer jeans... 我只要穿上我的名牌牛仔裤...
    [01:03.24]...and just kind of wiggle in front of you. You go nuts. 到你前面乱晃就行 你会变的很疯狂
    [01:08.28]Why couldn't I have met you one day before the accident? 我出事前一天能认识你就好了
    [01:11.64]Don't worry, because if you hung out with me for more than one day... 别担心,要是你跟我在一起多一天...
    [01:14.84]...you'd realize I' m a bore. 你就会受不了我
    [01:18.04]- Oh, well, I have news for you. - Yes? -告诉你 -什么?
    [01:18.52]It takes less than one day. 不用一天就够了
    [01:20.92]You know something? That hurt. 真是的,好伤人
    [01:23.60]Your damaged temporal lobe2 is causing me pain... 你受损的大脑颞叶 让我受苦...
    [01:26.88]...and I' m gonna get you for that. 我要你负责
    [01:30.72]Now you're dead! 你死定了!
    [01:49.64]- I can't believe you're pregnant. - I know. -我不敢相信你怀孕了 -我知道
    [01:54.00]- And I got her on the first try. - Yeah. Easy. -我这是一发就中 -别激动
    [01:57.80]And, Tammy, you are so thin. 谭咪,你好瘦
    [01:59.68]And I' m so glad you finally got... 真高兴...
    [02:01.56]...that gender-reassignment surgery, Jennifer. I mean, Jonathan. 你变性成功,珍妮 我是说,阿强

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