


时间:2017-08-30 12:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:00.28]Sorry, Pop. 歹势,老爸 [01:08.00]Go Vikings. 加油,海盗队 [01:11.48]Seven hundred and five. Seven hundred and six. 七百零五、七百零六 [01:13.36]- Seven hundred and seven. - Hey, you guys. -七百零七 -两位帅哥
  • [01:00.28]Sorry, Pop. 歹势,老爸
    [01:08.00]Go Vikings. 加油,海盗队
    [01:11.48]Seven hundred and five. Seven hundred and six. 七百零五、七百零六
    [01:13.36]- Seven hundred and seven. - Hey, you guys. -七百零七 -两位帅哥
    [01:17.64]Hey, sweetie. How's the painting coming? 小公主,划的怎样了?
    [01:17.72]- You'll see. - Cool -等着瞧吧 -太好了
    [01:19.84]- Oh. What's the score? - The Vikings are on the two-yard line. -比数如何? -海盗队还差两码...
    [01:24.32]- Lf they score, they bring it to 14-10. - Maybe they'll win for your birthday. -就逆转胜了 -也许你生日他们会赢球
    [01:28.68]And I' II bet Culpepper runs it in. 我赌克裴会直接达阵得分
    [01:32.68]I'll bet he fakes a handoff to Williams, throws to Kleinsasser in the end zone. 我赌他会假装交球给威廉 然后传球给达阵区的柯兰
    [01:35.44]- Loser does the dishes? - You're on. -输的人洗碗? -没问题
    [01:38.04]- Keep the offense2 on the field. 让防守的一队无法得分
    [01:40.44]Culpepper fakes a handoff to Williams. He will throw. 克裴假传给威廉,他会传球
    [01:43.20]He's got Kleinsasser in the end zone! Touchdown, Minnesota. 柯兰在达阵区,达阵得分
    [01:46.76]Doug, you're good. 老弟,你真行
    [01:48.04]Maybe you should be a coach. 也许你该去当教练
    [01:54.84]- Dad. - Moron3! -阿爸 -你去死啦!
    [01:58.44]That hurt. 很痛耶
    [02:13.24]And you don't look a day over 25. 你看来只有25岁
    [02:14.60]Yeah, right, and Doug's muscles aren't pharmaceutically4 enhanced. 是哦,你弟的肌肉还是真的咧
    [02:19.32]What? I use an herb supplement... 你说什么?
    [02:20.68]...that can be purchased at any health-food store. Check this out. 我只吃过购物频道的猛虎丸 你看看
    [02:22.68]Check out these glutes. Rock-hard, baby. 看看我的臀肌,超硬挺的

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