


时间:2017-08-30 12:07来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:28.12]Its a special paper her father puts on their porch. 那是她爸特别准备的报纸 [04:31.56]Its from the day of her accident. He got hundreds of them printed. 那是她出意外那天的报纸 他准备了好几百份 [04:37.64
  • [04:28.12]It's a special paper her father puts on their porch. 那是她爸特别准备的报纸
    [04:31.56]It's from the day of her accident. He got hundreds of them printed. 那是她出意外那天的报纸 他准备了好几百份
    [04:37.64]Lucy does the same thing every day. 露西每天都做一样的事
    [04:50.96]- Hello! - Back here. -嘿! -在后面
    [04:53.08]- Hi, Dad! - Oh, hi, sweetie. -老爸! -小公主
    [04:55.12]You got one without me. 你没等我就去摘了
    [05:00.84]The lady at the farmers' market gave it to me as a birthday present. 市场的小姐送我当生日礼物
    [00:03.40]I didn't wanna hurt her feelings. 我不想伤她的心
    [00:06.56]I think she likes you. 我想她喜欢你
    [00:08.44]- Yeah, what's not to like? - What about our tradition? -我是人见人爱 -那我们的传统呢?
    [00:13.96]Well, I have another idea. I painted my workshop yesterday. 我有主意,我昨天漆了工作室
    [00:18.20]White. 一片雪白
    [00:21.12]Now it's too white. Gives me a headache. 可是它太白了,白的让我头痛
    [00:22.28]Oh, yeah, you definitely need some color in here. 是啊,你需要加点色彩
    [00:24.24]Well, you know, that's what I was thinking. 我也这么想
    [00:28.56]- Really? - Yeah. Go nuts. -真的? -是啊,用力挥洒吧
    [00:30.96]- Paint me something for my birthday. - I will. -划点好看的给我当生日礼物 -没问题
    [00:35.00]And promise that we can pick a pineapple for Thanksgiving, okay? 答应我,感恩节一起去摘凤梨
    [00:37.16]- Sounds great. - Okay, good. -没问题 -很好
    [00:41.24]Hey, you should watch the Vikings game while I' m painting. 我作划,你去看海盗队比赛吧
    [00:45.52]Good idea. 好主意
    [00:52.60]- Yeah, baby. Isolate1. - What are we eating tonight, Doug? -好耶,硬起来吧 -儿子,今晚吃什么?
    [00:57.16]- Spaghetti, Pop. - Try not to sweat in the sauce. -意大利面 -别把汗滴进肉酱里

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