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时间:2016-10-22 19:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:46.34]I should be used to you pushing me around. 我应该适应你这么推我的 [01:48.74]Good to have you back. 你醒过来太好了 [01:56.82]What are you doing? 你在干什么? [01:59.30]The eye of the storm has passed, and were
  •   [01:46.34]I should be used to you pushing me around. 我应该适应你这么推我的
      [01:48.74]Good to have you back. 你醒过来太好了
      [01:56.82]What are you doing? 你在干什么?
      [01:59.30]The eye of the storm has passed, and we’re 40 miles from Manhattan. 风眼已经过去了 我们离曼哈顿还有四十英里
      [02:01.66]Shouldn’t we wait one more day? 我们是不是该多等一天?
      [02:07.70]Sam may not have one more day. 萨姆也许挺不了这一天
      [03:21.26]What do you think’s gonna happen to us? 你觉得我们会怎么样?
      [03:23.86]What do you mean? 你指什么?
      [03:27.14]I mean us. Civilization. Everybody. 我是说我们  文明  每个人
      [03:35.98]Mankind survived the last lce Age. 人类渡过了上个冰川时期
      [03:37.06]We’re certainly capable of surviving this one. 我们当然有能力渡过这一次
      [03:43.46]All depends on whether or not we’re able to learn from our mistakes. 一切取决于我们是否能 从我们的错误中吸取教训
      [03:49.74]I sure as hell would like a chance to learn from mine. 我是肯定会从我的错误中吸取教训
      [03:52.38]You did everything you could. 你已经尽力而为了啊
      [03:58.86]I was thinking about Sam. 我是说萨姆
      [04:07.18]Jack, you know the chances of Sam.... 杰克  你知道萨姆活下来的可能性...
      [04:20.22]I made my son a promise. 我对我儿子承诺过
      [04:26.02]I’m going to keep it. 我会遵守诺言的
      [04:50.14]Parker, this is Houston. Do you read? 帕克  这里是休斯顿 你听到了吗?
      [04:53.70]Roger, mission control. Go ahead. 收到  控制中心  继续
      [04:56.22]We’ve got scattered2 reports that the storm is dissipating over North America. 我们收到零星的报道显示 风暴正在北美消失

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      后天      

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