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时间:2016-10-14 12:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:39.78]Here he is. 在这里 [04:45.42]Jack, were you able to recreate the thermal3 cycle? 杰克 你能重建热力循环吗? [04:47.98]Yes. The storms rotation4... 是的 风暴的旋转... [04:50.10]...is pulling super-cooled air all
  •   [04:39.78]Here he is. 在这里
      [04:45.42]Jack, were you able to recreate the thermal3 cycle? 杰克  你能重建热力循环吗?
      [04:47.98]Yes. The storm’s rotation4... 是的  风暴的旋转...
      [04:50.10]...is pulling super-cooled air all the way down from the upper troposphere. ...正在把剧冷的空气 从上对流层拉下来
      [04:56.78]But shouldn’t the air warm up before it reaches ground level? 但是空气不应该 在到达地表前就被加热吗?
      [00:01.50]It should. But it doesn ’t. The air’s descending1 too rapidly. 应该是这样  但是实际不是如此 空气下降太快了
      [00:04.70]Is this an isolated2 incident? 这是独立的事件吗?
      [00:09.98]I’m afraid not. 我想不是
      [00:12.26]We’ve located two supercells in addition to 除了苏格兰这个  我们已经观察到了
      [00:14.74]the one over Scotland. 另外两个超级风暴云团
      [00:17.42]One over Northern Canada... 一个在加拿大北部...
      [00:18.62]...and another one over Siberia. ...另一个在西伯利亚
      [00:22.30]And do we know their projected paths? 我们能预测出他们经过的路线吗?
      [00:24.50]Yes. 能
      [00:27.38]Our previous estimates of six to eight weeks weren ’t even close. 我们之前的估计是六到八周 而这差的实在太远了
      [00:29.14]This one storm is going to change the face of our planet. 这次风暴将改变我们星球的面貌
      [00:31.94]Here’s a projection3 of 24 hours out. 这是二十四小时内的路线图
      [00:42.38]This is 48 hours out. 这是四十八小时内的
      [00:46.38]And in seven to 1 0 days.... 这是七到十天之内的...
      [00:52.42]When this storm is over... 当这场风暴结束...
      [00:53.18]... we ’ll be in a new ice age. ...我们面临一个新的冰川时代
      [00:59.54]My God. 我的天啊
      [01:20.02]Professor... 教授...
      [01:22.26]...it’ s time you got out of there. ...是你该离开的时候了
      [01:26.30]I’m afraid that time has come and gone, my friend. 恐怕那时机已经错过了  我的朋友

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      后天      

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