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时间:2016-10-14 12:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:30.90]Its been 24 hours now since the snow started falling across the British Isles10... 大雪降临英伦三岛 已经二十四个小时了... [03:33.26]...and over Northern Europe. It shows no signs of letting up. ...北欧地区也是
  •   [03:30.90]It’s been 24 hours now since the snow started falling across the British Isles10... 大雪降临英伦三岛 已经二十四个小时了...
      [03:33.26]...and over Northern Europe. It shows no signs of letting up. ...北欧地区也是一样 而且丝毫没有停止的迹象
      [03:37.22]No, no, no. You ’ ve got to stop worrying. No, no. 不  不  不 你不要再担心了  不  不
      [03:40.10]It’ s fine. We’ ve got plenty of supplies. We’re just snowed in. 没问题  我们有充足的补给 我们只是被雪困住了
      [03:44.78]Yeah. No, it’s all right. It’s all right. 对  不  没关系  没关系
      [03:46.06]No, you stay where you are. I’ll be fine. 不  你待在那里 我会没事的
      [03:49.38]Yeah, I love you too. Okay, bye. 对  我也爱你  好  再见
      [03:53.82]-Hey. How’s Jeanette? -Oh, fine. 嘿  珍妮特怎么样? 喔  还好
      [03:58.22]The ferry just landed. 渡船刚刚靠岸
      [04:00.74]Must be nice in Spain. Wish I was there. 西班牙一定不错 真希望我能在那里
      [04:03.42]An elite11 RAF search-and-rescue team has been deployed12 by helicopter... 一支皇家空军的精锐直升机救助队 已经被派出...
      [04:06.26]...to airlift the royal family to safety. ...前往救助皇室成员到安全的地方
      [04:09.26]-Yeah, you think they’ll come get us? -Not likely. 哼  你想他们会来救我们吗? 不太可能
      [04:12.02]Luckily we’ve got our own genny, enough tea and biscuits to sink a ship. 幸运的是我们自己有储备 足够把船压沉的茶和甜品
      [04:18.42]Oh, we’ll be fine. 喔  我们会没事的
      [04:20.82]As long as the loo doesn’t back up again. 只要厕所没问题就好了
      [04:42.58]We’ve got zero visibility. Maintain heading and speed. 我们的能见度为零 保持航向和速度
      [04:46.94]-What’s our heading? -035, sir. 我们的航向? 035  长官
      [04:47.82]Approximately 40 kilometers from Balmoral Castle. 大约离巴尔莫罗城堡还有四十公里
      [04:51.22]We’ve lost visual contact with you. 我们看不到你

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      后天      

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