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时间:2016-10-14 12:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:19.34]Our climate is changing violently. It will happen over the next six to eight weeks. 我们的气候在下六到八个星期之内 将发生剧烈变化 [02:24.58]-I was wrong. -Well, suppose youre wrong this time. 我错了 喔 那可
  •   [02:19.34]Our climate is changing violently. It will happen over the next six to eight weeks. 我们的气候在下六到八个星期之内 将发生剧烈变化
      [02:24.58]-I was wrong. -Well, suppose you’re wrong this time. 我错了 喔  那可能这次你也错了
      [02:29.94]I wish I were, but you’re aware of what’s happening everywhere. 我希望我是错的  但是你必须意识到 到处都发生了什么
      [02:31.26]We’re making all the necessary preparations for 我们已经为这次风暴做好了必要的准备
      [02:33.50]this storm. What more do you expect? 你还想让我们做什么?
      [02:37.42]You have to start thinking about large-scale evacuations right now. 你必须现在开始考虑进行 大范围的疏散工作
      [02:41.58]Especially in the Northern states. 特别是北部的州
      [02:43.18]-Evacuations? -Yes. 疏散? 对
      [02:44.14]Have you lost your mind, Hall? I have to go. 你疯了吗  霍尔? 我必须走了
      [02:50.26]Mr. Vice President! If we don’t act now, it’s going to be too late. 副总统先生! 如果我们现在不行动的话 那就太晚了
      [02:56.10]Come on, Jack. 来吧  杰克
      [02:59.30]Thanks for bringing us here. 谢谢你带我们来这里
      [03:00.54]I couldn’t let you leave New York without seeing the Natural History Museum. 我不能让你们还没有参观 自然历史博物馆  就走啊
      [03:04.66]Of course not. It’s a fine collection of stuffed animals. 当然不能  这是一个动物展览 一个个肚子满满的
      [03:07.82]Hey, guys, check this out. 嘿  哥们  来瞧瞧这个
      [03:08.78]"The body of this mammoth7 was 这个猛犸象的尸体在
      [03:12.82]found perfectly8 preserved in the Siberian tundra9... 西伯利亚冻土带被发现  它保存完好...
      [03:15.50]...with food still in its mouth and stomach... ...它的嘴和胃里还有食物...
      [03:20.74]...indicating that it froze instantly while grazing." ...说明它在吃草的时候被突然冻僵

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      后天      

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