


时间:2018-02-26 12:31来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:05.64]- See you next week. - Looking forward to it! -让我有所期待 -没错 [01:09.44]This isnt about insurance. This is about the great variable. 保险就是预防发生不测 [01:11.16]When will death occur?. 死亡几时到? [0
  • [01:05.64]- See you next week. - Looking forward to it! -让我有所期待 -没错
    [01:09.44]This isn't about insurance. This is about the great variable. 保险就是预防发生不测
    [01:11.16]When will death occur?. 死亡几时到?
    [01:13.56]Could be a week, a month, a year ... 下个礼拜、下个月、明年
    [01:18.84]Could be today. 也许是今天
    [01:20.04]lnnocent sunbather3, 一个人在海滩做日光浴
    [01:23.04]stabbed by the tip of a runaway4 beach umbrella. 突然被遮阳伞尖头所刺死
    [01:26.88]No way to guard against that. 谁会想到呢?
    [01:33.44]- Excuse me.  抱歉
    [01:33.68]- Truman, this is Vivian. 这是薇薇安,楚门
    [01:35.24]The two of you are going to be neighbours. 从现在起她就坐在你隔壁
    [01:42.88]l guess what l'm saying is that life is ... fragile. 我想说的是生命很脆弱
    [01:51.76]- Vivian, your office. - Sorry. -你的办公室 -抱歉
    [01:54.92]l'm sorry ... You do? 对不起,真的吗?
    [01:56.60]oh, great. Let me take your information. 太好了,让我记下来
    [02:18.88]Ready, two. Go to two. 第二摄影机
    [02:22.28]Back to medium ...  中景…
    [02:25.84]and wide. 然后广角
    [02:36.56]l was just trying to train the kid to ... never mind. 我只是想训练他…算了
    [02:44.56]- What's he doing in the basement? 他在地下室干嘛?
    [02:45.92]- He moved in there when Meryl left. 梅莉走了以后,他就睡那儿
    [02:48.52]Why wasn't l told?  怎么没通知我?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      楚门的世界      

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