


时间:2018-02-19 16:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:57.32]Its a show. Everybodys watching you. 大家都在看你的秀 [01:59.20]Please, dont listen to him. Hes gonna lie to you. 不要听他,他是骗你的 [02:03.20]- l want to know whats going on. -这是怎么回事? -她有精神
  • [01:57.32]It's a show. Everybody's watching you. 大家都在看你的秀
    [01:59.20]Please, don't listen to him. He's gonna lie to you. 不要听他,他是骗你的
    [02:03.20]- l want to know what's going on. -这是怎么回事? -她有精神分裂症
    [02:08.68]- Schizophrenia. We've tried it all.Hypnotism, shock therapy ... 催眠、电疗 我们什么都试过了
    [02:12.84]Don't worry, you're not the first. 别担心…你不是第一个
    [02:16.20]- She brings all her boys down here. 她把所有男朋友都带来这儿
    [02:17.72]- Truman, he's lying! 他在说谎
    [02:21.68]Get out of here. Come and find me. 离开这里,记得来找我
    [02:23.76]- l'll see you in school. - We're moving to Fiji. -我们在学校再见 -我们要搬到斐济
    [02:27.32]Fiji. 斐济?
    [02:41.16]Sylvia! Hey! 丝薇亚
    [02:52.40]- Why didn't he just follow her?. 他怎么不跟去斐济?
    [02:53.28]- His mother got really sick. 他妈妈生重病
    [02:58.08]He couldn't leave her. He's kind. Maybe he's too kind. 不能抛下不管,他心地太好了
    [03:02.52]l can't believe he married Meryl on the rebound2. 他竟然马上就要娶梅莉
    [03:04.60]Excuse me 对不起
    [03:07.40]Come on, Sal. We've already got this on the greatest hits tape. 这段录影带我们已经有了
    [03:09.60]Can i borrow that? 可以借我看吗?
    [03:59.08]Close, but no cigar. 很像,但不是
    [04:30.44]Another beautiful day in paradise. 又是晴朗的一天

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      楚门的世界      

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