[01:17.36]No. 没想过
[01:20.36]When you were hauling chickens, 那年你替超市运鸡肉
[01:23.64]how far did you get off the island? 最远去过哪里?
[01:27.40]l went all over. Never found a place like this, though. 到处都去过,还是这里最好
[01:31.76]Look at that sunset. lt's perfect. 看看日落,太完美了
[01:36.28]That's the big guy. 上帝的杰作
[01:38.52]Quite a paintbrush he's got. -简直是鬼斧神工 -没错
[01:46.48]Just between you and me, Marlon ... 别告诉别人
[01:50.76]- l'm going away for a while. 我要离开一阵子
[01:55.24]- Really?. -真的? -真的
[01:57.84]Litle Angel. 小天使
[02:07.28]My litle clown ... 我的小宝贝
[02:10.48]old carrot-top. 像根红萝蔔
[02:11.24]The best photos ... 好棒的照片
[02:18.04]- We should be geting you home. 你该回家了
[02:18.48]- Here's us at Mt. Rushmore. 等等,这是在拉什莫尔山
[02:23.04]You slept the whole way there. 开了好久的车,你一路睡到底
[02:23.08]Do you remember, Truman? 那时候你爸爸还在
[02:27.56]- lt looks so small. 看起来好小
[02:30.96]- Things do, when you look back. 小时候什么都很大
[02:32.24]Look, Truman. The happiest day of our lives. 我们一生最快乐的日子