


时间:2017-10-17 12:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.04]as a gift. Maybe for her birthday. 作为礼物,也许生日礼物 [00:08.88]In fact, I know it. What do you think? 事实上,我知道了,你怎样看? [00:12.40]- I think Id proceed with caution. - No, you dont understand
  • [00:02.04]as a gift. Maybe for her birthday. 作为礼物,也许生日礼物
    [00:08.88]In fact, I know it. What do you think? 事实上,我知道了,你怎样看?
    [00:12.40]- I think I'd proceed with caution. - No, you don't understand. We need a dog. - 我觉得要慎重 - 不,你不了解,我们需要一只狗
    [00:14.56]I have been telling her we should have a baby. 我已经跟她说过,我们该养只狗
    [00:17.88]She's the one who keeps saying she's not ready. 她总是在说她还没有心理准备
    [00:19.40]Bradley, if you get the dog, 布拉德利,如果你养那只狗
    [00:25.88]you're telling her that you know her better than she knows herself. 你是在说你了解她胜于她了解她自己
    [00:27.04]So? 怎样?
    [00:30.20]So, you better be right. 那你最好没判断错
    [00:39.72]BRADLEY: You know what I feel like doing? I feel like just driving over there 你知道我现在想做什么?就是开车过去
    [00:41.88]and grabbing the little guy before somebody else gets him. 趁还没有被人领走,赶紧把那小家伙要了
    [00:45.88]So just do it, though, you know? Go for it. 想干就干呗,去领养他吧
    [00:47.04]You only live once. 你只活一次
    [00:48.56]Yeah? You think? 你真的这么认为?
    [00:50.40]Probably. 也许
    [00:50.72]Harry? 哈里?
    [00:51.88]Why are you asking me, Bradley? Your mind's made up. 你还问我干嘛?你已经决定了
    [00:56.40]Well, not entirely1. 呃,也不完全
    [01:00.04]- Hey, you need anybody to work here? - Yes! Yeah. - 嘿,你们这需要请人么? - 对,是的
    [01:05.56]I mean, if that's all right with you. 如果你想的话
    [01:10.20]You have any experience with this kind of work? 你有没有工作经验?

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