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时间:2017-03-08 12:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:07.52](Sighs) [00:09.12]Oh, God. What? 天啊,你来做什么? [00:11.68]Why are you here? [00:13.68]- You wouldnt return my phone calls. - What do you want? - 你没回电 - 你想怎样? [00:15.24]You want another picture for yo
  •   [00:07.52](Sighs)
      [00:09.12]Oh, God. What? 天啊,你来做什么?
      [00:11.68]Why are you here?
      [00:13.68]- You wouldn't return my phone calls. - What do you want? - 你没回电 - 你想怎样?
      [00:15.24]You want another picture for your paper? 再照张相登报?
      [00:18.56]- Jane, I'm sorry. Believe me. - Please. You used me to get ahead in your career. 对不起,真的
      [00:22.00]Be a man and admit it. Or- Or don't. 有胆量就承认吧
      [00:25.84]But please, please don't pretend that you give a shit. 别惺惺作态假扮关心我
      [00:30.72]- Will you just please let me explain? - No, it doesn't matter. - 听我解释 - 无所谓了
      [00:33.08]I just destroyed my life, and I didn't need your help to do it. 我刚搞垮了我的人生
      [00:36.52]Great! Finally. 好,终于
      [00:40.36]I saw what you did in there. And you know what? I thought it was amazing. 我也在场,你做得好
      [00:41.44]Was it absolutely, certifiiably nuts? Yes, it was. But you did something, Jane. 也许过份,但你终于做到
      [00:45.80]- For the first time, you were not just the perfect bridesmaid: - Stop. Just please. 第一次不做完美伴娘
      [00:50.56]I'm not doing this with you again. I don't even know why I'm standing1 here talking to you. 我不想跟你拗
      [00:53.52]You know what? Let me tell you. Look. Come here. Listen to me. 来,听我说
      [00:56.52](Sighs) Do you want to know the real reason why I came here tonight? 可知我为何而来?
      [00:58.40]Because I knew this was gonna be hard for you. 我知你会难受
      [01:00.92]And for the fiirst time in a really long time, I wanted to be there for somebody. Yeah. 我想支持你,很久没试过

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