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时间:2017-03-02 12:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:34.64]Yeah, you know, the thing that I like about Tess is theres no bullshit. 我喜欢蒂莎诚实坦白 [01:38.12]You know, shes not afraid to be herself. 勇于表现自我 [01:44.64]George, about Tess- Theres something that I want t
  •   [01:34.64]Yeah, you know, the thing that I like about Tess is there's no bullshit. 我喜欢蒂莎诚实坦白
      [01:38.12]You know, she's not afraid to be herself. 勇于表现自我
      [01:44.64]George, about Tess- There's something that I want to say. 关于蒂莎,我想告诉你…
      [01:47.60]- Um- - What?
      [01:53.04]I'm just so happy for you, that you found what you were looking for. 很高兴你终于找到意中人
      [01:57.92]All right. So what's your favorite part... 你最喜欢婚礼哪部份?
      [02:01.32]Oh, that's easy.
      [02:01.60]of a wedding? 很容易
      [02:03.88]You know when the music starts and the bride makes her big entrance... 音乐奏起新娘步入,众人转向她
      [02:05.56]and everybody turns to look at her?
      [02:08.84]That's when I look at the groom3. 'Cause his face says it all. 我会注视新郎的表情
      [02:11.32]You know, the pure love there. 情深款款的爱意
      [02:15.44]Okay. So when you get married and you make your entrance... 待你结婚时,当你步入…
      [02:15.64]That's why I go. 我是为此而出席
      [02:18.32]I have full permission to look at the groom? 我可以望新郎吗?
      [02:20.36]Yes. Please do. Please make sure the poor sucker is still standing4 there. 请便
      [02:26.68](George) Are you kidding me? Some guy would be lucky to have you: 怎会?娶到你,他三生有幸
      [02:31.96]And the way that you attacked that tomatillo before- Who could resist that? 你吃果酱的表情谁可抵挡?
      [02:35.80](Jane Laughing)
      [02:35.88]Very sexy. 非常性感
      [02:42.44](George) Doyle? 杜尔?
      [02:47.44]- Hey. - (George) Hey:
      [02:52.88]What are you doing here? 你来做什么?
      [02:55.68]Are you guys picking out the wedding meal? 你们试婚宴餐?
      [02:57.16]- Where's Tess? - She's... getting her hair done. 蒂莎呢?

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