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时间:2017-03-02 12:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:50.12]No, I dont. Im Jesus. 没有,我是耶稣 [00:51.12](Chuckles) [00:55.68]Someday- God knows when- But someday... 有一天,总有一天 [00:58.20]itll be my day. 轮到我,她们都会来支持我 [01:00.24]And then all thos
  •   [00:50.12]No, I don't. I'm Jesus. 没有,我是耶稣
      [00:55.68]Someday- God knows when- But someday... 有一天,总有一天…
      [00:58.20]it'll be my day. 轮到我,她们都会来支持我
      [01:00.24]And then all those people will be there for me: So-
      [01:02.44]- (Sighs) That is if I ever- - (Shutter Clicks) 如果我能嫁得出去…
      [01:05.52]Sorry. 很抱歉
      [01:15.56]You don't get it. 你不明白
      [01:17.56]That's fine: Why would you? 算了吧,你怎么会明白
      [01:48.68]Hey. I need your registry list. 给我礼物单
      [01:49.28]I thought you were gonna wait downstairs. 我以为你在楼下等
      [01:55.72]What is that? 什么声音?
      [01:58.12]- George is in Telluride. Who's in here? - No one. 乔治出了差,是谁?
      [01:59.40]- Let's talk in the hall. - Tess. 没有人,下去吧
      [02:01.88]- Jane- - ## (Continues)
      [02:03.28]He was looking for a part-time job. 他想找工作
      [02:05.96]He's... cleaning the apartment. 他在打扫房子
      [02:08.96]- # Oh, boy # - (Tess) Look, don't tell George: 别告诉乔治,是秘密,行吗?
      [02:11.12]It's Redro and my little secret, okay?
      [02:13.12]#I don't really know what I'm doing ##
      [02:17.20]Kevin! 那伴娘专题进度如何?
      [02:18.28]That bridesmaid story- what do you have so far?
      [02:20.20]Uh, it's a little rough. I'm still workin' on it. 有点棘手,仍在努力
      [02:25.68]- I want to see it. - I'm not even- - 我想看 - 还未…
      [02:27.96]- Right now. E-mail it. - It's not-I'm not finished with it: It's not done: 电邮给我

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