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  • 香港新闻工作者从业英语词典(118) 日期:2019-01-11 16:28:53 点击:185 好评:0

    委员会对事不对人。 The committees role is fact-finding and not targeting individuals to be held responsible. 拒绝民主党的要求,不会召开特别聆讯调查事件rejected calls from the Democratic Party for a special hear...

  • 香港新闻工作者从业英语词典(117) 日期:2019-01-11 16:28:09 点击:239 好评:0

    绝大部分香港市民都是爱国爱港的。 The great majority of Hong Kong citizens love their country and Hong Kong. 绝对不会为和中国妥协而放弃台独never to bargain away Taiwans independence to China 进一步推动台湾...

  • 香港新闻工作者从业英语词典(116) 日期:2019-01-11 16:27:46 点击:137 好评:0

    When Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997, the air was full of forecasts of impending doom for the former British colonys individual freedoms. 香港和内地的关系若出现裂痕,就可能危及香港的未来。...

  • 香港新闻工作者从业英语词典(115) 日期:2019-01-11 16:26:41 点击:121 好评:0

    由人大常委会根据香港实际情况和循序渐进的原则来决定shall be decided upon by the Standing Committee on the basis of the actual situation in Hong Kong and the principle of gradual and orderly progress 目前最迫切的问...

  • 香港新闻工作者从业英语词典(114) 日期:2019-01-11 16:24:22 点击:313 好评:0

    干预香港事务meddling in Hong Kong affairs 不要屈服于中央政府压力not to bow to pressure from mainland leaders 不要拖香港落水。 Dont drag Hong Kong into water.??? 不接受一中原则refuses to accept the one-C...

  • 香港新闻工作者从业英语词典(123) 日期:2013-06-21 21:27:11 点击:277 好评:0

    叙利亚总统巴沙尔Syrian President Bashar al-Assad 深受爱戴的国王a beloved king 现已登上杂志封面is now magazine-cover 被卷入某事的争论中embroiled in a dispute over something 被誉为香港良心came to be know...

  • 香港新闻工作者从业英语词典(122) 日期:2013-06-21 21:24:19 点击:237 好评:0

    Only male descendants of the male line of the imperial family may become emperor. 句句字斟句酌、说起话来很谨慎speaks in measured sentences 巨子、巨头heavyweight 打破对某事的沉默态度broke his silence on something...

  • 香港新闻工作者从业英语词典(121) 日期:2013-06-21 21:21:47 点击:266 好评:0

    否认泛民主派出现分歧denied there was a rift in the pan-democratic camp 挑拨离间他和新任政务司司长drive a wedge between him and the incoming chief secretary for administration 挑拨离间她和特首stir up trouble be...

  • 香港新闻工作者从业英语词典(120) 日期:2013-06-20 16:24:08 点击:279 好评:0

    关乎梁锦松诚信的事件issues related to the credibility of Mr Leung 骗取超过三十三万元房屋津贴swindled the Government out of more than $330,000 in housing allowances 尸位素餐的政客do-nothing politicians 不会容...

  • 香港新闻工作者从业英语词典(119) 日期:2013-06-20 16:23:22 点击:295 好评:0

    不是想避税/逃税did not try to avoid tax 不会回去打理家族生意would not return to his family business 公众指责黄河生的妻子开设税务公司,可能涉及利益冲突。 Mr Wong has been accused of having a potenti...
