


时间:2013-06-21 21:21来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
否认泛民主派出现分歧denied there was a rift in the pan-democratic camp 挑拨离间他和新任政务司司长drive a wedge between him and the incoming chief secretary for administration 挑拨离间她和特首stir up trouble be
  否认泛民主派出现分歧denied there was a rift in the pan-democratic camp
  挑拨离间他和新任政务司司长drive a wedge between him and the incoming chief secretary for administration
  挑拨离间她和特首stir up trouble between her and Mr Tung
  挑拨离间特首和陈方安生sowing discord between her and Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa/cause rift between Anson Chan and Tung/provoke disputes between Anson Chan Fang On-shan and the Chief Executive
  政治内讧、权力斗争political infighting
  修补裂痕mend rifts
  Academics warned not to expect a total thaw in relations overnight.
  欢迎民主派的表态welcomed the democrats' gesture
  Two top cabinet officials have already resigned since the protests began.
  下台压力势将越来越大is now likely to come under increased pressure to resign
  Analysts said Beijing was holding Cheung up as a signal to the public to show it was serious about cracking down on government graft.
  He revealed he had refused Mr Leung's offer of resignation.
  平息民愤/平息民怨cool public sentiment/dilute public anger/smooth public anger
  Parliament voted overwhelmingly on Monday to censure Wahid a second time over two graft scandals, moving closer to possible impeachment by the supreme People's Consultative Assembly (MPR)。
  向特首请辞,辞去房委会主席一职tendered my resignation to Mr Tung as chairman of the Housing Authority
  因疏忽职守面临纪律处分face disciplinary action for neglecting their duties
  Although he cannot drop out of the Legco race before the ballot, he has insisted on serving if re-elected.
  有人要求她(梁爱诗)辞职somebody faced calls for her resignation
  Fifty three per cent of the respondents said Mr Leung's donation of $100,000 would not reduce the public's anger.
  I have decided to respect his wish.
  拒绝接受梁锦松的请辞his refusal to accept Mr Leung's offer of resignation
  拒绝辞去立法会议员职位has refused to resign from Legislative Council
  放弃议席relinquished his seat
  宣布辞职announce his resignation
  At 8pm last night, Mr Leung formally submitted his resignation to the chief executive.
  要杨启彦停职,直至调查结束suspend Mr Yeung from his duties pending the outcome of the investigation
  Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa announced at 9.23pm on Wednesday that Mr Leung was resigning from the Government with immediate effect.
  停职were suspended from their posts
  Mr Leung had offered to resign in March after it was revealed he bought a car before announcing a hefty increase in the vehicle first-registration tax. But Mr Tung refused to accept his resignation and asked him to stay on.
  深鞠躬致歉took a deep bow and apologised
  In the meantime, I have not consider resignation.
  港府实时终止与他尚有一年的合约。黄河生将失去九十万元酬金,但会获得一个月薪金作为代通知金,为数$162,650. His contract, which had a year to run, was terminated immediately. He will lose a $900,000 gratuity, but will be paid one month's salary, $162,650, in lieu of notice.
  发表辞职声明delivered his resignation statement
  集体辞职、集体请辞、总辞resign en masse
  Mrs Ip cited "personal reasons'' for her resignation, tendered to Mr Tung on June 25, six days ahead of the mass protest. Mr Tung said he had tried in vain to persuade Mrs Ip to stay on.
  Mr Tung disclosed that Mrs Ip had submitted her resignation on June 25.
  The President couldn't muster the votes to fend off impeachment.
  声称会采取法律行动threatened legal action
  (印尼)梅加瓦蒂Megawati Sukarnoputri
  (前)国务卿鲍威尔Secretary of State Colin Powell
  (前总统)克林顿Bill Clinton
  People are in pain.
  人民英雄the people's hero/a national hero
  大马前副总理安华Malaysia's former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim
  had signed a petition endorsing impeachment
  仍能指挥国事/主持国政can still direct the nation's affairs
  公众人物public figures
  巴勒斯坦领袖阿拉法Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
  巴基斯坦总理谢里夫Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
  巴解组织主席阿巴斯Palestine Liberation Organisation chairman Mahmoud Abbas
  引来批评draws criticism
  日本首相小泉纯一郎Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi
  以…著名的renowned for something
  以色列总理巴拉克Isreali Prime Minister Ehud Barak
  以色列总统卡察夫Israeli President Moshe Katzav
  He received a hero's welcome upon his return to Taiwan.
  He demonstrated enormous political conscience and morality with courage.
  令皇室尴尬embarrassed the royal family
  令国家和宪法蒙羞a disgrace to our country and constitution
  出身寒微comes from a humble background
  北约秘书长索拉纳Nato Secretary-General Javier Solana
  北韩建国者金日成North Korea's founder Kim Il Sung
  北韩总统金正日North Korean President Kim Jong Il

热门TAG:怎样背单词      英语新闻词汇      英文时事报道      英语背单词      

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