


时间:2013-06-20 16:24来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
关乎梁锦松诚信的事件issues related to the credibility of Mr Leung 骗取超过三十三万元房屋津贴swindled the Government out of more than $330,000 in housing allowances 尸位素餐的政客do-nothing politicians 不会容
  关乎梁锦松诚信的事件issues related to the credibility of Mr Leung
  骗取超过三十三万元房屋津贴swindled the Government out of more than $330,000 in housing allowances
  尸位素餐的政客do-nothing politicians
  不会容忍员工偷懒/不会容忍散慢的员工will not tolerate slack staff
  不会容忍浪费公帑will not tolerate wastefulness in the public coffers
  不会容忍过分散慢的管理will not tolerate unreasonably slack managemen
  公众对偷懒公务员的强烈不满public outcry over lazy civil servants
  仙股丑闻/仙股风波penny stocks scandal
  在一连串失言和失误后支持度跌至个位数字whose public support slid to single-digit levels after a string of verbal gaffes and blunders
  有咁耐风流,有咁耐折堕The duration of enjoyment will be paid by the same duration of suffering.
  Since the Sars outbreak, Mr Tung has repeatedly been criticised for acting too late to contain it and being slow to implement relief measures.
  我的政治敏感度不足my political sensitivity is insufficient
  承认处理内地非典型肺炎时有失误admit faults in handling the Sars outbreak in the mainland
  重弹老调、陈腔滥调rehash/sticking to his old line/proclaims banalities
  浪费纳税人金钱wasting taxpayers' money
  缺乏政治智能a lack of ''political sensitivity''
  逃避责任shirking responsibility/evade responsibility
  疏忽blunder (n)/(vi); The government had blundered in its handling of the affair.
  处理非典型肺炎失误mishandling the capital's Sars outbreak
  The Director of Audit criticised the Government Supplies Department for stock-piling equipment that would not be used up in 100 years.
  独立调查委员会an independent inquiry
  帮助高官卸责whitewashing senior officals' responsibility
  权责不清having a confused mandate
  显示他非常缺乏政治智能show considerable political naivete
  (前)港大校长郑耀宗Hong Kong University vice-chancellor Cheung Yiu-chung
  (前)港大副校长黄绍伦pro-vice-chancellor Wong Siu-lun
  仍未透露全部真相was still not telling the full story
  He also asked why Telegraph Bay was picked as the site, why the development included a residential component, and why Cyberport and the information technology sector were selected in the first place.
  Outsiders are not privy to the party's inner workings.
  Invariably, people see this as a conspiracy between the government and big business.
  Lawmakers might invoke special powers to seek government answers.
  向公众揭露第三者是谁make public the identity of the 'third party'
  向郑耀宗表示对民调不满had expressed dismay about the polls to Professor Cheng
  Her statement at a security panel meeting prompted an angry response from some lawmakers.
  她的强硬态度让人觉得整个过程只是假咨询而已her at times strident delivery has made the process look ''consultative'' in name only
  Some comments made by the public on the government proposals were misleading if not deceitful.
  行政长官办公室高级特别助理路祥安senior special assistant Andrew Lo Cheung-on
  Mr Ho said the 25 pro-democracy legislators were threatening to invoke special powers under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to force the government to disclose the information.
  抓着权力不放、独揽大权hanging on to power
  侵害学术自由encroachment on academic freedom
  促使立法会成立专责委员会彻查这件事件push for a Legco select committee to be set up to further investigate the matter
  指「第三者」是郑耀宗named the 'third party' as Professor Cheng
  The awarding of the Cyberport project in 1999 to Richard Li Tzar-kai's Pacific Century Group without open tender has sparked accusations of collusion between the government and big business.
  It is time that we put the matter to rest and let the universities get on with their academic work.
  You should either withdraw your comments or you should not conduct the consultation as no one would believe you will be objective and impartial in studying the views collected.
  要求叶太收回言论asked Mrs Ip to withdraw her comments
  停止民意调查stop his polling work
  停止做关于特首民望和政府公信力的调查stop conducting surveys on the Chief Executive's popularity and the Government's credibility
  假大空的/空泛的宣传攻势windy propaganda blitz
  阴干我们的研究项目dry up our research programme
  就国安条例进行假咨询the bogus consultation on national security laws
  提出三点关注voiced three concerns
  揭发政府隐瞒沙士疫情exposed the government's cover-up of the SARS epidemic
  黑箱作业making decisions in a "black box"/carrying out a "black-box operation"/having done things in a 'black box'
  夸张失实exaggerated and deceitful
  蓄意防碍钟的学术自由calculated to inhibit his right to academic freedom
  认为路祥安的话等同施压construed Mr Lo's remarks as pressure
  In his testimony, Professor Cheng said Mr Lo had asked him whether Dr Chung conducted his polls in his personal capacity or in the name of the university.
  钟庭耀Robert Chung Ting-yiu
  钟庭耀事件the Robert Chung affair
  转达特首关注relayed Mr Tung's concern
  证明官商勾结并不存在prove an absence of collusion with the business sector
  证实程介明的讲法confirmed Professor Cheng Kai-ming's account
  继续隐瞒疫情kept hiding details about the spread of the disease
  本身和署理特首没有过节had no personal grudge against the acting chief executive
  The relationship between the two plummeted to new lows during the recent mayoral race.
  否认两人不和denied there was any rift between them

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