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  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(30) 日期:2017-11-02 12:13:07 点击:143 好评:0

    [01:51.00]My doctor. 我的医生啊 [01:52.28]-Wait a minute. -Hes not too young for you? -等等 -他追你不嫌太幼齿吗? [01:55.76]Hes totally too young! But were just having dinner, its not a date. 他是太年轻了 但只是吃个...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(29) 日期:2017-11-02 12:11:26 点击:171 好评:0

    [00:03.60]So youre as hard on yourself as you are on everyone else. 你不但对别人苛刻 对自己也不宽贷 [00:15.92]Something to remember me by. 留作纪念,勿忘我 [00:25.20]-Can I ask you something, Harry 1 ? -Yeah, sure....

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(28) 日期:2017-11-02 12:10:23 点击:224 好评:0

    [03:31.08]I looked you up on the lnternet. 我上网查了你的资料 [03:37.96]Do you know that there are over 8000 websites that mention you? 你知不知道关于你的网站 有八千多个? [03:42.20]-Thats not possible. -Yeah, its...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(27) 日期:2017-11-02 12:09:45 点击:150 好评:0

    [01:41.52]Its not exactly flowing out of me yet, but-- 没有文思泉涌,不过 [01:42.44](今晚与我共进晚餐?) [01:47.72]Pick you up around 7? 七点左右来接你? [01:52.24]So, what about the patient? 病人怎么办?...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(26) 日期:2017-11-02 12:09:14 点击:151 好评:0

    [00:04.64]When can I be up and running in that department? 我几时才能带枪上阵? [00:05.92]I think Mr. Midnight needs to stay put for another couple of weeks. 恐怕要再等几个礼拜了 [00:08.36]-But it wont kill me when I do i...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(25) 日期:2017-11-02 12:08:16 点击:149 好评:0

    [03:39.00]Shes beyond uptight 10 . Almost makes her fun to be around. 她不只是保守而已 和她相处还真是有趣 [03:44.52]Uptight? Thats funny, I havent noticed that. 保守?这倒新鲜 我没注意到 [03:47.60]Try living wi...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(24) 日期:2017-11-02 12:06:52 点击:221 好评:0

    [02:31.52]Making quite a comeback. 恢复得很快 [02:33.52]Sorry for your trouble, Mrs. Gimble. Take care, dear. 抱歉让你跑一趟,金波太太 你慢走 [02:38.08]Youve been wonderful. 你很专业 [02:40.36]Listen... 听着 [02...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(23) 日期:2017-11-02 12:05:56 点击:104 好评:0

    [00:41.12]You never get hot? 你不会热吗? [00:44.96]-No. -Never? -不会 -从来不会? [00:46.16]Not lately. 很久没热过了 [00:48.56](彼特:你不会热吗?) [00:50.40](彼特:从来不热?) [00:50.64](爱蜜莉...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(22) 日期:2017-11-02 12:03:34 点击:200 好评:0

    [04:20.16]I dont have time to make a run... 没空再跑医院 [04:24.76]...to the hospital because youre filling your clogged 7 arteries 8 with smoke. 因为抽烟会让血管栓塞更严重 [04:26.72]But more importantly... 但更重要的是...

  • 《爱是妥协》电影台词(21) 日期:2017-11-02 12:02:13 点击:212 好评:0

    [02:52.48]I was gonna drive back to the city with Zoe, but Id much rather go with you. 柔怡要开车载我回市区 但我宁可搭你的车 [02:57.16]Actually, I have someone to meet before I go. 可是我要去找一个朋友 [02:58....
