


时间:2017-11-02 12:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:41.52]Its not exactly flowing out of me yet, but-- 没有文思泉涌,不过 [01:42.44](今晚与我共进晚餐?) [01:47.72]Pick you up around 7? 七点左右来接你? [01:52.24]So, what about the patient? 病人怎么办?
  • [01:41.52]It's not exactly flowing out of me yet, but-- 没有文思泉涌,不过…
    [01:47.72]Pick you up around 7? 七点左右来接你?
    [01:52.24]So, what about the patient? 病人怎么办?
    [01:56.92]Like he said, he doesn't need a nurse. 他说不需要护士啊
    [02:19.72]I'm walking around the house! 我在屋里走来走去哦
    [02:26.44]Oh, no. 不会吧
    [02:33.72]-Hi. -Listen... -嗨 -听好…
    [02:36.72]...I've decided1 to get over the “you saw me naked” thing. 我决定忘了 “你看到我脱光光”那档事
    [02:37.00]-So let's not deal with it anymore. -Good... -所以就别再提了吧 -太好了
    [02:42.08]...because I have been hiding from you all day. 害我整天都在躲你
    [02:44.84]Do you want to come in? 你要不要进来?
    [02:48.92]I don't want to break your rhythm or anything. 我不想打扰你写稿或做其他事
    [02:51.52]That would be wishful thinking. 那是你一厢情愿的想法
    [02:52.08]Nice painting. 好划
    [02:54.20]So I'm gonna venture out there and go for a short walk. 我要出去散散步
    [02:58.68]-You up to that? -My doctor recommended it. -你可以吗? -医生建议的
    [03:01.04]I gotta build up to climbing stairs and stuff like that. 我得要养精蓄锐爬楼梯 诸如此类的事
    [03:06.24]You wouldn't want to join me? 你不会想陪我去吧?
    [03:09.32]-That means you don't want me to? -No. I was asking if you wanted to. -你的意思是不要我陪吗? -不是,我是问你想不想去
    [03:14.60]I would, but I don't like to break once I start writing, so I shouldn't. 我很想,但我一写稿就停不了 还是算了吧
    [03:19.44]Not that a little fresh air would hurt. 但呼吸点新鲜空气也不赖
    [03:22.52]It's just a walk, Erica, not a marriage proposal. 只是散步,爱莉卡 又不是求婚
    [03:27.28]-You know my name. -Erica Jane Barry. -你知道我的名字 -爱莉卡珍贝瑞

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱是妥协      

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