


时间:2017-11-02 12:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:48.24]Now Im convinced that what I think about you is right. 现在我确定没看错你了 [00:51.12]Youre a tower of strength. 你的意志坚定 [00:54.32]Try not to rate my answer. 别批评我的见解 [00:57.40]-Im sorry, okay? I
  • [00:48.24]Now I'm convinced that what I think about you is right. 现在我确定没看错你了
    [00:51.12]You're a tower of strength. 你的意志坚定
    [00:54.32]Try not to rate my answer. 别批评我的见解
    [00:57.40]-I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry, but-- -You know what you're like? -抱歉,对不起,只是… -你知道你是怎样的人吗?
    [01:01.28]You're like one of those great portraits you see over a fireplace. 你就像壁炉上挂的划中人
    [01:06.24]Words have been invented to describe women like you. 有人想出很多字眼 来形容你这样的女人
    [01:09.04]Such as? 例如…
    [01:11.40]Flinty. 冷酷无情
    [01:12.32]And... 还有…
    [01:16.16]-So you think I'm inhuman1? -No. I think you're formidable. -你觉得我没人性? -不是,我觉得你很了不起
    [01:16.52]...impervious2. 不为所动
    [01:23.44]Cold, distant, like I'm frozen in some painting? 无情、冷漠 仿佛在划像中的人里?
    [01:25.64]Not at all. 不是啦
    [01:25.80]But I do think you use your strength to separate yourself from everyone. 但我觉得你太刻意疏离人群了
    [01:31.60]But it's thrilling when your defenses are down... 不过卸下了武装就很好
    [01:36.40]...and you're not isolated3. 你其实并不孤僻
    [01:37.88]That, I believe, is your winning combo. Killer4 combo, actually. 我认为这是你成功的特质 与众不同的特质
    [01:46.20]You know, I can't decide if, God, do you hate me? 我不确定… 天哪,不知道你是讨厌我呢?
    [01:48.76]Or if you're the only person who ever really got me. 还是,只有你真的了解我
    [01:54.76]I don't hate you. 我不讨厌你

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱是妥协      

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