


时间:2017-10-31 12:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:55.76]The sweet, uncomplicated satisfaction of the younger woman. 甜美又单纯的年轻美眉 [01:58.24]That fleeting 1 age when everything just falls right into place. 短暂的青春年华 一切都是恰到好处 [02:03.20]Its ma
  • [01:55.76]The sweet, uncomplicated satisfaction of the younger woman. 甜美又单纯的年轻美眉
    [01:58.24]That fleeting1 age when everything just falls right into place. 短暂的青春年华 一切都是恰到好处
    [02:03.20]It's magic time, and it can render any man... 青春无限好 随时能让男人拜倒石榴裙下
    [02:06.08]...anywhere, absolutely helpless. 完全无法招架
    [02:10.44]Some say I'm an expert on the younger woman. 大家都说我是猎艳高手
    [02:13.16]Guess that's because I've been dating them for over 40 years. 制片:南茜梅尔
    [02:14.52]应该是我把年轻美眉 已经有四十几年了的经验
    [02:21.00]编剧和导演 南茜梅尔
    [02:25.04]So, baby, you're rich? 宝贝,你很有钱吗?
    [02:25.64]Well , my mother is. Sort of. I mean, not really. 我妈很有钱 算是吧,但也不是那么有钱
    [02:29.84]If she lives within a mile of here, she's rich. 能住在这附近就算是富婆了
    [02:33.12]Well, I guess a hit play will buy you a house in the Hamptons. 剧作卖钱就能在汉普敦湾置产了
    [02:37.72]-I'd like to meet your mother. -No, you wouldn't. -我想认识你妈妈 -不会吧
    [02:39.56]She's great. She's totally brilliant, but she's not your type. 她人很好,聪慧贤淑 但不是你喜欢的类型
    [02:41.04]You're overlooking2 one of the great things about me. 你没看出我最大的特色
    [02:46.56]I don't have a type. 就是任何类型我都喜欢
    [02:48.32]Oh, what? 那又怎样?
    [02:48.72]She's over 30. 她超过三十岁了
    [02:50.60]Like you don't know you have a slight reputation for-- 大家都知道你可是声名在外…
    [02:55.08]-For? -For... -我怎样? -就是…
    [02:57.24]...never dating anyone over 30. 不和三十岁以上的女人交往
    [02:59.64]It just so happens, my dear, that women of a certain age don't date me. 其实是,特定年龄层的女人 跟我不来电

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱是妥协      

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