


时间:2017-11-02 12:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:52.48]I was gonna drive back to the city with Zoe, but Id much rather go with you. 柔怡要开车载我回市区 但我宁可搭你的车 [02:57.16]Actually, I have someone to meet before I go. 可是我要去找一个朋友 [02:58.
  • [02:52.48]I was gonna drive back to the city with Zoe, but I'd much rather go with you. 柔怡要开车载我回市区 但我宁可搭你的车
    [02:57.16]Actually, I have someone to meet before I go. 可是我要去找一个朋友
    [02:58.84]Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. 等一下…
    [03:00.16]You're leaving? Zoe's leaving? The entourage is leaving? 你要走了?柔怡也要走? 大队人马都要走?
    [03:04.64]I'm gonna be stuck with him, alone? 就我和他单独在家?
    [03:07.20]The hospital's sending over a nurse in the morning. 医院一大早就会派护士过来
    [03:09.00]In the morning? That's, like, 1 9 hours from now. 一大早?还有19个小时耶
    [03:11.56]Okay, I can handle this. 好吧,我能应付
    [03:14.28]I'll just get myself into a Zen place. 我会打坐,让自己平心静气
    [03:18.24]Play music. Cook. Write. Focus5. 放音乐、煮饭、写稿 全神贯注
    [03:41.72]Thank you. 谢谢你
    [03:54.12]Well, four mai tais at lunch... 午餐喝四杯迈泰鸡尾酒
    [03:56.20]...is a bit much for anybody. 任何人都会受不了
    [04:00.76]Hi. 你好
    [04:05.16]Can I call you right back, doll, huh? Thank you. 我再打给你,好吗? 谢谢
    [04:09.04]Hey. 你好
    [04:13.44]-What's up? -Okay, here's the thing. -什么事? -好,我先声明
    [04:14.60]I don't want to play the uptight6 nurse to your bad-boy patient. 我不想当正经八百的看护 照顾你这个不乖的病人
    [04:19.08]If you want another heart attack, go ahead. I have work to do. 若你想再心脏病发 请便,但我要工作
    [04:20.16]I don't have time to make a run... 没空再跑医院
    [04:24.76]...to the hospital because you're filling your clogged7 arteries8 with smoke. 因为抽烟会让血管栓塞更严重

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱是妥协      

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