[01:28.48]他跑不远的 He can’t get far.
[01:29.78]叫辆卡车在停机坪待命 I want a truck on the tarmac.
[02:48.41]我们会没事的 We gonna be okay.
[02:52.08]你们去哪儿? Where are you going?
[02:53.34]离证据愈远愈好 As far from the evidence as we can get.
[02:55.31]等等...证据马上就没了! Wait, there’s not going to be any evidence!
[03:13.28]来...大家来 Come here. Come here.
[03:17.81]喂...别害羞...来...瞧瞧 Hey, don’t be shy. Here, look.
[03:20.14]免费的样品 Free sample
[03:21.04]来拿吧,免费的样品 help yourself, okay? Free sample.
[03:22.74]告诉你朋友们 Tell yourt friend.
[03:26.78]枪吗? Gun for you.
[03:28.18]过瘾吧! Happy times. Come on.
[03:29.41]全部送...免费 Help yourselves. No charge.
[03:30.98]快来呀 Everything goes.
[03:32.28]枪阿!枪阿!枪阿! Guns, guns, guns, yes, come on up!
[03:35.41]来!高兴吧? Here! You’re having fun now, huh?
[03:39.24]快来!枪阿!枪阿!枪阿! Come on! Guns, guns, guns! Yes!
[03:43.01]子弹...枪...手榴弹...耶! Bullets, guns, grenades!