


时间:2016-03-21 12:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:44.75]从另一方面来说 On the other hand, [03:45.38]如果你想要一种传统的大火力手枪 if you are looking for a traditional wheel gun, [03:49.05]没有一种枪可以代替 there is no substitute for the six inches [03:5
  •   [03:44.75]从另一方面来说 On the other hand,
      [03:45.38]如果你想要一种传统的大火力手枪 if you are looking for a traditional wheel gun,
      [03:49.05]没有一种枪可以代替 there is no substitute for the six inches
      [03:50.78]6英寸长的.357毫米马格南 of muzzle6 energy of a.357 magnum.
      [03:53.01]当然它从不卡壳 And of course, it will never jam.
      [03:58.81]你为什么这么做? Why did you do that?
      [04:00.35]你说什么? What did you say?
      [00:02.31]你必须买下它 Well now you’re gonna have to buy it
      [00:04.38]它已经被你用过了 It’s a used gun.
      [00:07.51]我怎么能卖掉用过的枪 How can I sell a used gun?
      [00:11.88]一把用过的枪 A used gun.
      [00:14.41]一把用过的枪 A used gun.
      [00:17.55]有趣 That’s a good one.
      [00:21.71]你知道吗?现在的年轻人没有纪律 You know there is no discipline with the youth today.
      [00:25.58]我只是想树立一个榜样 虽然这不容易 I try to set an example but it is difficult, eh?
      [00:30.21]我想这都是MTV的错 Personally, I blame MTV.
      [00:36.58]一把用过的枪 A used gun.
      [00:42.28]我想我们可以做生意了 I think you and I, we can do business.
      [00:48.31]如果说我害怕安德烈一世 If I thought I was scared of Andre Senior,
      [00:50.78]不如说我更害怕安德烈二世 I knew I was scared of Andre Junior.
      [00:53.58]有其父必有其子 Like father, like son.
      [00:55.65]就像果实从来不会掉到离树很远的地方 The guava doesn’t fall too far from the tree.
      [00:58.78]他简直是一个食人怪 He was also a cannibal.
      [01:00.55]他们说安德烈会吃掉 They say Andre would eat a victim’s heart
      [01:02.28]他的敌人还在跳动的心脏 while it was still beating
      [01:03.91]这样他可以得到超越常人的力量 to give him superhuman strength.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      战争之王      

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