[02:47.81]对不起,我很忙 It’s a shame, it’s a very busy schedule.
[02:56.88]应该说你没有选择的权利 It is not, as they say, optional.
[03:04.35]我的父亲很容易生气 My father is easily offended.
[03:08.18]我突然有时间了 My schedule just freed up.
[03:12.25]巴布锑总统是我最好的客人 President Baptiste was my best customer
[03:14.45]但是我不着急去见他 but I was in no hurry to meet him.
[03:16.48]他消除异己的残忍手段 He’d gotten a reputation for routinely hacking3 off the
[03:18.88]路人皆知 limbs of those who opposed him.
[03:21.08]7年的内战 His seven-year civil war has been described...
[03:23.71]被总结为纯粹为了暴力的战争 as "a relentless4 campaign of sadistic5 wanton violence."
[03:27.81]这就是我将要去见的安迪 That kind of sums up Andy for me.
[03:33.05]这个转轮很有趣 The Glock is interesting.
[03:36.05]他是合金制成的 It’s made of a polymer composite.
[03:38.08]这样过机场安检 Many of my clients feel they can get through airport security
[03:40.55]就不会触发警铃 without setting off a lot of bells and whistles.
[03:42.68]但是我并不同意这样做 Personally I do not recommend that.