


时间:2016-03-21 12:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:21.55]都符合现在的国际条约 trade standards and practices. [03:23.01]我们都知道 We both know, that is an obscene [03:25.38]这只是一个条约上的漏洞 bureaucratic9 loophole thats gonna be closed [03:27.55]这个漏洞
  •   [03:21.55]都符合现在的国际条约 trade standards and practices.
      [03:23.01]我们都知道 We both know, that is an obscene
      [03:25.38]这只是一个条约上的漏洞 bureaucratic9 loophole that’s gonna be closed
      [03:27.55]这个漏洞不知那天就会消失 any goddamn day.
      [03:29.11]但是现在还没消失 But it’s not closed.
      [03:31.01]有些人也许认为 And while certain people might interpret
      [03:32.58]这些集装箱可疑 this cargo10 as suspicious,
      [03:34.45]感谢上帝 thank God we live in a world, where suspicion alone
      [03:36.28]只有可疑是无法给我定罪的 does not constitute a crime.
      [03:38.21]象你这样的人 And men like you
      [03:39.45]会遵守法律条约 respect the rule of law.
      [03:45.95]我的确是有罪的 I was as guilty as sin,
      [03:47.35]但是瓦伦丁无法证明 but Valentine couldn’t prove it.
      [03:49.41]他是执法人员里很少见的 And he was the rarest breed of law enforcement officer,
      [03:51.98]尽管他知道我在犯法 the type who knew I was breaking the law,
      [03:53.78]但是他不会以非法的手段来逮捕我 but wouldn’t break it himself to bust4 me.
      [03:57.08]两天后 TWO DAYS LATER
      [04:00.01]瓦伦丁并不是唯一 Valentine wasn’t the only one trying to
      [04:01.98]想让我没生意做的人 put me out of business.
      [04:03.21]狄米奇拒绝了许多其他的军火商 My uncle had turned down a half dozen rival arms dealers11,

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      战争之王      

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