[00:57.44]Maggie? 美姬
[01:03.88]Look, I’m not gonna show you guys anything. 我不会让你们看的
[01:06.96]I am a soon-to-be-married woman. 我就快做新娘了
[01:09.04]I would love to give you this. Believe me, I would. 我都想还给你
[01:09.52]So just give me the photograph! 把那张照片还给我吧
[01:12.72]Just give us a quick gander at that rose, 但先让我们看看你背上的玫瑰吧
[01:16.60]and I’ll gladly turn it over to you. 那我也会很乐意原璧归赵
[01:18.60]Fine. Fine. Okay, fine. 好,好,好哇
[01:21.76]Okay? All right? 行了吧?
[01:25.36]- Satisfied? - 满意啦?
[01:25.96]Completely. 完全满意了
[01:27.60]- Maggie, you got it removed? - Gill-- 你把那纹出来的玫瑰刮掉了
[01:31.28]Gill, I’ll go you double or 我跟你赌多一倍,你有机会追平
[01:33.68]nothing it was a stick on. 那朵玫瑰其实是帖上去的
[01:36.56]Maggie? 美姬
[01:42.84]Gill, I am... 其实我真的…
[01:47.64]really, really... 真的…
[01:50.20]- But that doesn’t make me a bad person. 那也不见得我是个坏女孩吧
[01:50.28]afraid of needles. 很怕被针刺穿皮肤
[01:53.64]- Look. 你看
[01:55.04]Look! Look! 看啊,看啊
[01:58.16]I think this man is heartbroken. 我觉得这位仁兄的心破碎了