[00:53.72]- See you two lovebirds later. - See you at the weddin’. 迟些再见你们这对情海鸳鸯
[00:56.60]- Yeah. 在婚礼见吧
[00:57.60]Thanks for the jacket. 谢谢你送的球衣
[00:58.48]- You invited him to the wedding? 你请他来参加婚礼?
[01:01.48]∮ Go, go, Comets Let’s go ∮ 彗星,彗星,全力取胜
[01:05.88]Don’t you realize he’s writing another article about me? 他又会在另一篇专栏写我了
[01:05.96]Sure. But you’re not runnin’. 可是你这次不会跑掉嘛
[01:09.84]Come on. 拥抱我吧
[01:10.60]Give me some of that homemade sunshine. 让我看看你那阳光似的微笑
[01:14.52]Boys, 孩子们!
[01:15.08]take my princess for a ride on her chariot.Oh, my-- (Laughing) 推我的公主去兜兜风吧
[01:27.72]Bless me, Father, 赐福给我吧,神父
[01:27.92]My last confession3 was 我最后一次忏悔是在…
[01:28.20]for I have sinned. 我有罪呀!
[01:31.12]-- Well, anyway. 不算也罢了
[01:34.20]I have sort of a technical question. 我有个难以解决的问题
[01:36.56]I’ve been having bad thoughts. 我一直有个很糟的想法
[01:39.96]Reallybadthoughts. 真的很糟
[01:42.32]- No, no.I want to destroy this man’s life, career, everything. I want revenge! 不,不 我想毁掉某个人的人生 毁掉他的事业,毁掉他的一切 我要以牙还牙!
[01:42.72]- Of an impure4 nature? 是属于不洁的性质吗!
[01:52.56]Now, on the sin scale, howbadis that? 那在罪行的衡量而言有多糟呢?
[01:53.08]Can I... "Hail Mary" my way out of that? 我可否大叫圣母玛利亚来赎罪?