


时间:2021-02-10 09:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:51.20]Im sure his book will tell him to save the day. 我相信他的书会告诉他 要如何拯救世界 [02:53.68]If you think that poser is gonna save us, youre dreaming. 如果你以为那个装腔作势的家伙 会救我们,那你
  • [02:51.20]I'm sure his book will tell him to save the day. 我相信他的书会告诉他 要如何拯救世界
    [02:53.68]If you think that poser is gonna save us, you're dreaming. 如果你以为那个装腔作势的家伙 会救我们,那你是在做梦
    [02:57.76]Maybe I am dreaming, but somehow... 也许我是在做梦,可我就是知道
    [03:01.44]I know this wasn't supposed to happen. 我知道事情本不该是这样的
    [03:02.32]It's Frieda. She's making everything bad. 是弗丽达,她破坏了这一切
    [03:05.48]Just like she always has for me, but for everyone. 就像她总是针对我一样 现在针对每一个人
    [03:11.80]We need a hero to stop her. We need the prince. 我们需要一个英雄去阻止她 我们需要王子
    [03:14.04]- You mean you need the prince. - This isn't about me. - 你的意思是你需要王子 - 不要扯到我身上
    [03:17.72]She's taking over. 她在控制这一切
    [03:19.72]Yes, it is. It's about you becoming a princess... 是的,是你就要变成公主
    [03:23.84]so you can move upstairs and forget people like me exist. 所以你到楼上去 忘了我
    [03:25.80]You know what? You're being ridiculous. 你知道什么?你太荒谬了
    [03:28.36]Ridiculous? You know what? 荒谬?你知道什么?
    [03:29.16]You need to get out of here. You're blocking my light. 你从这里出去 你挡住我的光了
    [03:32.64]And I've got dishes to wash. 我得洗碗了
    [03:34.92]Okay. 好吧
    [03:36.84]I don't need you anyway. 不管怎样我都不需要你
    [03:37.00]Fine. 好的
    [03:42.60]Go with her, mon ami. She does need you. 快去追她,伙计,她真的需要你
    [03:47.88]For what? To chase after that jerk? 需要什么?帮她去找那个混蛋? 

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      邪恶新世界      

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