


时间:2021-02-10 09:45来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:18.88]Are you a fair maiden 2 , lady-in-waiting, damsel in distress 3 ? 美丽的少女,侍女 还是不幸的女人? [02:23.20]I will be, kind of, at midnight. 哦,大概会是吧,到了午夜之后 [02:25.68]Come on! 得了吧
  • [02:18.88]Are you a fair maiden2, lady-in-waiting, damsel in distress3? 美丽的少女,侍女 还是不幸的女人?
    [02:23.20]I will be, kind of, at midnight. 哦,大概会是吧,到了午夜之后
    [02:25.68]Come on! 得了吧
    [02:32.20]I think the little princess needs a makeover! 我想小公主殿下需要化化妆了
    [02:44.56]What happened? 发生什么事了?
    [02:47.24]Sorry. 抱歉
    [02:52.80]Where did that maiden go? Did you see her? 那少女去哪了?你看见她了吗?
    [02:55.16]Maiden! 少女
    [03:07.28]A slipper4. 一只鞋子
    [03:09.68]Maybe she was the maiden after all. 也许她就是那个少女变的
    [03:10.28]At last. A damsel in distress! 终于…悲痛欲绝的少女
    [03:16.84]Here. Section four, subparagraph eight. 这里,第四节,第八段
    [03:19.00]"Once a prince finds his true love, he may never let her go." 当王子找到他的真爱,他不会让她离开
    [03:26.80]I will find you, my love... 我要找到你,我的爱
    [03:29.16]if I must ride to the ends of the earth to do so. 即使我得跑遍天涯海角
    [03:32.84]Your Majesty5. 殿下
    [03:34.84]Please wait. I'm right... 请等一下,我就在
    [03:40.08]here. 这里
    [03:42.00]I can swim a little! 我懂一点游泳
    [03:42.56]That is the prince? 那就是王子?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      邪恶新世界      

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