


时间:2021-02-10 09:48来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:34.92]Okay. 好吧 [03:36.84]I dont need you anyway. 不管怎样我都不需要你 [03:37.00]Fine. 好的 [03:42.60]Go with her, mon ami. She does need you. 快去追她,伙计,她真的需要你 [03:47.88]For what? To chase 6 afte
  • [03:34.92]Okay. 好吧
    [03:36.84]I don't need you anyway. 不管怎样我都不需要你
    [03:37.00]Fine. 好的
    [03:42.60]Go with her, mon ami. She does need you. 快去追她,伙计,她真的需要你
    [03:47.88]For what? To chase6 after that jerk7? 需要什么?帮她去找那个混蛋?

    [00:02.88]Sweet. 好极了
    [00:09.76]Death from above! 死亡从天而降
    [00:31.16]Rick. Oh, my gosh. Rick! Hey. 瑞克,噢,糟糕,瑞克,嗨
    [00:35.52]I was dancing with the prince and my dress disappeared. 我正和王子在跳舞 突然身上的套装消失了
    [00:36.80]Okay. So that's too much information, but thank you. 噢,那可真是太刺激了 谢谢你告诉我这些
    [00:41.48]It was supposed to last till midnight, but it didn't. 我期望能持续到午夜,但是没有
    [00:44.88]And then there was this light in the sky. Something's wrong. 接著天空发射出光,出事情了
    [00:47.04]- Yeah. I'll say. - Coming over the bridge! Look! - 是的,我知道 - 过桥这边来了,看
    [01:02.24]Evildoers of our kingdom! 童话王国里的邪恶伙伴们
    [01:07.52]- Hiya! - Hello. - 你们好 - 你好
    [01:11.88]So, guys... 朋友们
    [01:12.12]ever think there could be more to life than this? 有梦想过比现在更丰富多彩的生活吗?
    [01:14.96]We're always the losers, the bad guys. 我们总是失败者,坏蛋
    [01:18.36]Is that fair? No. 这公平吗?不
    [01:20.96]Frieda. 弗丽达
    [01:23.32]And who wins? 谁是赢家?
    [01:25.60]The dorky ingenues and the pretentious princes. 呆头呆脑却自命不凡的王子
    [01:28.92]From now on, say good-bye to losing. 从现在起,对失败的生活说再见吧
    [01:33.04]And say hello to winning. 迎接胜利吧
    [01:37.12]Yes to little girls who get eaten by wolves. 是的,小红帽会被狼吃掉

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      邪恶新世界      

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