


时间:2021-02-10 09:44来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.04]A pajama party. 开个睡衣派对 [00:28.16]You have but three chances to guess my name... 你只有三次机会猜我的名字 [00:33.52]and if you fail, your baby shall be mine! 如果猜不出,你的孩子将是我的了 [00:
  • [00:01.04]A pajama party. 开个睡衣派对
    [00:28.16]You have but three chances to guess my name... 你只有三次机会猜我的名字
    [00:33.52]and if you fail, your baby shall be mine! 如果猜不出,你的孩子将是我的了
    [00:41.20]- Fabio? - Nope. - 法比欧 - 不对
    [00:44.84]Rumpel... masashi? 瑞卜…玛萨西?
    [00:44.88]- Beelzebub? - No. - 别西卜 - 不是
    [00:59.08]Rock-a-bye-bye, baby. 说再见吧,小宝贝
    [01:06.60]Hey. That's my house. 嗨,那是我家
    [01:10.92]And... 而且
    [01:12.48]Ella? 瑞拉?
    [01:14.40]Hey, you gotta be kidding me. That little- 嗨,你开玩笑的吧 这种小人物
    [01:18.48]She gets the prince... 她得到王子
    [01:20.76]and the palace, and I get nada? 还有宫殿,我却一无所获?
    [01:25.84]Zilch? 一场空?
    [01:25.88]Nothing? 一无所有?
    [01:28.72]Uh-uh. No way! 哦,哦,决不!
    [01:36.16]Left, right, left. 左,右,左
    [01:38.16]Left, right, left. Left, right, left. 左,右,左 左,右,左
    [01:41.32]Left, right, left. 左,右,左
    [01:51.76]I don't believe this. 我真不敢相信
    [01:53.92]How did she get there? 她怎么到那的?
    [01:55.92]And where did she get that dress? 从哪弄到这套衣服?
    [01:59.60]And where can I get one? I love those little ruffles1 down the front. 哪儿可以弄到一套? 我喜欢前面裙脚的褶边
    [02:16.84]So, what do you do? 嗯,你是什么人?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      邪恶新世界      

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