


时间:2021-02-07 11:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:30.60]Here we go. 开始吧 [04:35.68]Sassy! 很性感 [04:37.32]Oops. 噢 [04:42.76]- Yes. - Wow. - 好了 - 哇 [04:45.88]- You look beautiful, Salmonella. - Its Cinderella. - 你看上去很漂亮,莎蒙妮拉(霍乱杆菌) - 我叫灰
  • [04:30.60]Here we go. 开始吧
    [04:35.68]Sassy! 很性感
    [04:37.32]Oops. 噢
    [04:42.76]- Yes. - Wow. - 好了 - 哇
    [04:45.88]- You look beautiful, Salmonella. - It's Cinderella. - 你看上去很漂亮,莎蒙妮拉(霍乱杆菌) - 我叫灰姑娘

    [04:49.60]Cinderella going to the ball-again. 灰姑娘又要去参加舞会了
    [04:58.24]Sleeping Beauty, still asleep. 睡美人还在睡
    [00:01.32]Somebody get her a double espresso, please. 谁去给她一杯双份的浓咖啡
    [00:05.28]And get me a triple. 我要三倍浓的
    [00:07.28]You have but three chances to guess my name... 你只有三次机会猜我的名字
    [00:12.48]and if you fail, your baby shall be mine! 如果猜不出 你的孩子就归我啦
    [00:18.80]Rumpelstiltskin, still going for custody1. 侏儒怪还争夺监护权
    [00:20.60]I think he wants weekends, right? 我想他要的是周末的时间,对吗?
    [00:22.96]Always the same thing. The good guys win. 总是千篇一律的,好人有好报
    [00:25.48]And what do you want to have happen? 你希望发生什么事?
    [00:27.52]Rumpelstiltskin gets the baby? 侏儒怪得到孩子?
    [00:29.52]Cinderella stays a maid? 灰姑娘仍然是女佣?
    [00:33.52]I just wish we could mix it up a little bit... 我只希望咱们能搅合一下
    [00:34.92]make it a little edgier2. 搞得紧张一点
    [00:38.00]Then let 'em have their happy endings. 然后再让他们得到幸福的结局
    [00:40.00]We are not tipping the scales of good and evil so you can be entertained. 我们不可能只为了让你快活 就去折腾善与恶的天平
    [00:44.48]What if we made the seven dwarves3 seven feet tall and- 如果我们把七个小矮人变成 七尺高会是怎么样?
    [00:47.36]- No way. - What about making Rapunzel go bald? - 不要 - 把蕾凡莎变成秃子会怎样?
    [00:54.32]Couldn't we just give her split ends... 能不能让她发梢分岔?
    [00:56.48]or dandruff or a mullet or something?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      英文电视剧台词      经典英文电影      邪恶新世界      

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