


时间:2021-02-07 11:26来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:49.76]Ella isnt the only one whos worked up about the ball. 瑞拉不是唯一一个为舞会激动的人 [03:51.04]The prince is so excited its almost like he has a personality. 王子也很激动,这很像他的个性 [03:57.40]The
  • [03:49.76]Ella isn't the only one who's worked up about the ball. 瑞拉不是唯一一个为舞会激动的人

    [03:51.04]The prince is so excited it's almost like he has a personality. 王子也很激动,这很像他的个性
    [03:57.40]The same as always, Your Highness? 殿下,照老样子剪吗?
    [04:00.20]Not too much off the front. 前面别剪太多
    [04:05.08]Everything must be perfect. 一切都要力求完美
    [04:06.36]Tonight's the night I meet my damsel. 今晚我将会遇到我的梦中情人
    [04:08.64]It says so right here in the book. 书里就是这么说的
    [04:12.28]Princely Rule Book, Section 12: "On his 21st birthday... “王子章程”第12节 “在他21岁生日时…”
    [04:17.40]every prince must host a ball to find a damsel... 每一位王子都要举办舞会选美
    [04:19.76]preferably blonde, who is either imprisoned4... 必须是完美的金发美女 要么被囚禁
    [04:21.44]cursed or distressed5." 要么被诅咒了,或者伤心欲绝
    [04:26.84]Great. Our downstairs neighbor, the Airhead Formerly6 Known As Prince. 太棒了,这就是我们楼下的邻居 一度被称为王子的蠢货
    [04:30.48]There's gotta be something better on. 应该发生更好的事才对
    [04:33.68]There's Rapunzel... 长发公主蕾凡莎
    [04:35.68]single-handedly keeping the kingdom's shampoo industry in the black. 靠她一人就能让王国的 洗发水工厂活下去
    [04:38.72]Apparently, her people have yet to master scissor technology. 显然她未来还会进军剪刀业
    [04:42.40]Little Red Riding Hood7. 还有小红帽
    [04:44.40]Every wolf's favorite between-meals snack. 是狼最喜欢的小点心
    [04:47.40]And then there's Rumpelstiltskin. 再来是侏儒怪
    [04:50.68]Still trying to get the baby. 一直想得到那孩子

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