


时间:2016-12-26 12:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:35.64]Get him out! 带出去 [01:41.68]Thats the longest stretch I ever heard of. 没听过这么久的处罚 [01:44.28]Its all my fault. 都是我不对 [01:47.28]Bullshit. 胡说八道 [01:47.36]You didnt pull the trigger or convict h
  •   [01:35.64]Get him out! 带出去
      [01:41.68]That's the longest stretch I ever heard of. 没听过这么久的处罚
      [01:44.28]It's all my fault. 都是我不对
      [01:47.28]Bullshit. 胡说八道
      [01:47.36]You didn't pull the trigger or convict him. 你没杀人  也没判安迪的罪
      [01:52.96]Are you saying Andy is innocent? 你是说安迪没罪?
      [01:54.40]I mean, for real innocent? 他真的无辜?
      [01:57.32]It looks that way. 看来是这样
      [01:58.00]Board of Education. 教育委员会来的
      [01:58.16]That son of a bitch mailed it. 老小子寄出那考卷了
      [01:58.40]Sweet Jesus. 我的天呀
      [01:59.08]You going to open it or stand there with your thumb up your butt4? -没错  -你要拆  或是拿着傻看?
      [02:01.00]1947. What is that? Nineteen years. 47年进来  19年了
      [02:01.08]How long has he been here now? 他服刑多久了?
      [02:03.76]Thumb up my butt sounds better. 拿着看好些
      [02:06.04]-Williams, Thomas.  -Yeah, over here. -汤米的信  -在这里
      [02:08.44]Skeets, come on.Give me that, you shithead. 拿来啦  痞子
      [02:11.12]Floyd, come on. 福洛
      [02:15.68]Red 瑞德
      [02:15.80]What you got? 是什么?
      [02:17.24]Will you throw that away, please? 把它丢掉  好吗?
      [02:25.24]Well, shit. 真不错
      [02:40.92]The kid passed. C + average. 他考取了  平均丙上
      [02:43.92]Thought you'd like to know. 跟你报个喜
      [03:00.20]Warden wants to talk. 典狱长找你谈话
      [03:16.04]Out here? 在这儿?
      [03:18.12]That's what the man said. 他是这样说的
      [03:37.52]Warden? 典狱长
      [03:45.04]I'm asking you to keep this conversation just between us. 汤米  这次会面要你守密

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