


时间:2016-12-19 12:26来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:22.74]Whats an item like this usually go for? 它市价多少? [02:26.46]Seven dollars in any rock-and-gem shop. 奇石店卖七元 [02:29.50]My normal markups 20 percent. 我通常加两成 [02:31.18]But this is a specialty6 item. 不过
  •   [02:22.74]What's an item like this usually go for? 它市价多少?
      [02:26.46]Seven dollars in any rock-and-gem shop. 奇石店卖七元
      [02:29.50]My normal markup's 20 percent. 我通常加两成
      [02:31.18]But this is a specialty6 item. 不过嘛
      [02:35.46]Risk goes up, price goes up. Let's make it an even 10 bucks7. 价钱随风险调高  跟你收十元吧
      [02:39.14]Ten it is. 就这样
      [02:42.42]Waste of money, if you ask me. 其实你是白花钱
      [02:45.62]Why's that? 为什么?
      [02:47.42]Folks around this joint8 love surprise inspections9. 狱方喜欢突袭搜房
      [02:50.98]They find it, you're going to lose it. 找到石捶一定没收
      [02:53.66]If they catch you, you don't know me. 到时候别摆我道
      [02:56.86]Mention my name, we never do business again. 否则再也别想跟我做生意
      [02:58.82]Not for shoelaces or a stick of gum. Now you got that? 连口香糖都不卖你
      [03:02.54]I understand. 我懂
      [03:04.62]Thank you, Mr 谢谢你
      [03:07.86]Red. 瑞德
      [03:09.78]Red 瑞德
      [03:11.10]Name's Red. 叫我瑞德
      [03:13.86]Why do they call you that? 为何叫瑞德?
      [03:28.18]I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby10. 怪不得有人认为他臭屁
      [03:31.14]He had a quiet way about him 他闷声不响的
      [03:36.22]a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here. 他的步伐和谈吐简直是异类
      [03:39.22]He strolled 他像
      [03:39.90]like a man in the park without a care or a worry in the world. 在公园散步  无忧无虑
      [03:45.54]Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place. 仿佛身披隐形衣
      [03:50.94]I think it'd be fair to say 我打一开始
      [03:51.22]yes 没错
      [03:54.98]I liked Andy from the start. 就喜欢他

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