


时间:2016-09-18 12:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:53.42](gasping) (惊讶声) [04:54.66](all laughing) (所有人都大笑) [04:55.94]l feel like a queen. 我感觉象个王后。 [04:57.74]Fellows, we`re not a sports bar, but one free beer on the house... 伙计们,我们不是运动酒
  •   [04:53.42](gasping) (惊讶声)
      [04:54.66](all laughing) (所有人都大笑)
      [04:55.94]l feel like a queen. 我感觉象个王后。
      [04:57.74]Fellows, we`re not a sports bar, but one free beer on the house... 伙计们,我们不是运动酒吧,但是每人一杯免费啤酒...
      [04:58.70](men chanting) (人们在喊口号)
      [00:04.58]but that`s it. (all) Free beer! 说定了。 (所有人) 免费啤酒!
      [00:05.66](men cheering) (人们欢呼)
      [00:08.74]You`re a Jets fan, right? 你是Jets的球迷吧?
      [00:12.26]Oh my God, hello! l live for West Side Story. 我的天啊,当然! 我生活在西部故事里。
      [00:13.22]Pablo, what happened? l don`t know. 帕布鲁,发生什么事了? 我不知道。
      [00:16.90]Now, these are brand new stoves. 这是新的名牌炉子。
      [00:18.78]What about the pizza oven? (Pablo) Try it. 披萨烤箱怎么样了? (帕布鲁) 试试看。
      [00:20.10](Jean) Okay, l am getting the waiter. (简) 好吧。我去叫服务员。
      [00:23.50]Does anyone want anything besides mimosas? 有没有人要什么东西,除了mimosas?
      [00:23.78]That`s working. lt`s got to be the gas line, right? 它正常了。一定是出气管道有问题了,是吧?
      [00:26.18](Jean) Champagne1. White wine. (简) 香槟。白葡萄酒。
      [00:28.86]What happened? lt`s not lighting2? 怎么回事? 不亮了?
      [00:31.74]Mom! l`m going to get the waiter. 妈妈! 我去叫服务员吧。
      [00:31.94]What are you doing? (Amy) Sorry. 你在干什么? (艾米) 对不起。
      [00:35.78]Why don`t you sit here and enjoy your lunch? 你为什么不坐下,享受你的午餐?
      [00:38.58]Pablo, keep working on it. l got to call. 帕布鲁,继续工作。我去打个电话。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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