


时间:2016-09-18 12:26来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:28.62]l love this. 我喜欢这个。 [02:28.74](laughing) (笑声) [02:31.42]You have got to be kidding me. 你们一定是在和我开玩笑。 [02:32.90](all laughing) This isn`t going to cover anything. (所有人都笑了) 这件什么
  •   [02:28.62]l love this. 我喜欢这个。
      [02:28.74](laughing) (笑声)
      [02:31.42]You have got to be kidding me. 你们一定是在和我开玩笑。
      [02:32.90](all laughing) This isn`t going to cover anything. (所有人都笑了) 这件什么也遮不住。
      [02:36.10]That`s exactly the point. 这正是重点。
      [02:37.78](cell phone ringing) (手机响了)
      [02:39.74]Houston, we have a problem. 休斯顿,我们有麻烦了。
      [02:41.90]What kind? The very, very bad kind. 哪种? 非常,非常糟糕的那种。
      [02:45.62]He`s on his way to the restaurant now. 他现在正在去餐厅的路上。
      [02:48.58]Oh, my God! What do we do? 噢,我的天! 我们该怎么办?
      [02:51.10]Create a distraction6. A really, really big one. 分散注意。 真正的能分散注意的事物。
      [02:51.50]I’ll see you there. Bye. 我们在那里见。 再见。
      [02:55.46](men chattering) (男人们的说话声)
      [03:04.70]Do we have to take a cab? l hate cabs. 我们必须乘坐出租吗? 我不喜欢。
      [03:06.66]Maybe we should walk. (Ben) What are you, crazy? 也许我们该走着去。 (本) 你怎么了,疯了吗?
      [03:09.18]We`re going to the River Bistro. l get carsick. 我们要去河流小酒馆。 我晕车。
      [03:21.98]Boys! 男孩子们!
      [03:29.74]Come on, get your free beer. 来吧。来拿你们的免费啤酒。
      [03:34.10]Free beer! 免费啤酒!
      [03:38.98](people chattering) (人们在说话)
      [03:41.90](man #1) Bring on the beer. (男人A) 拿啤酒来。
      [03:46.46](man #2) Yeah, bring on the Beer. (男人B) 对,拿啤酒来。
      [03:48.46]Look, it`s time for your break. Bye-bye. 现在你休息。再见。
      [03:50.74]Hi! How are you? Good. 嗨!你们怎么样? 很好。

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      超完美男人      

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